Friday, October 23, 2009


SING IT WITH ME!!! That's what I started doing as soon as I saw a very special package arrive for me today!! I had a wonderful lady, Rasilla of IN A NUTSHELL, in Canada pick me up some Sally Hansen Canada exclusive nail polishes!! She kindly took time to run around to stores and locate these for me and ship them my way! The kindness of the nail community still amazes me!! While I did pay pal her the money for the polishes, she kindly shipped them to me for free! I wondered why she wasn't responding to my messages of how much shipping was - sneaky girl!! She also included a little gift of a discontinued Sally Hansen Chrome in Salmon Pearl Chrome! I can't wait to konad with that! Anyway ladies - behold the greatness:

Burnt Sienna, Valentino, Project Runway & Purple Heart

Sally Hansen Chrome - Salmon Pearl Chrome

Esther - thank you thank you thank you!!!


  1. Seriously love purple heart, but can't wait to see what the ...hmm the name escapes me, the one next to it in the picture XD look like!

    Anyway can't wait to see the awesomeness you create with these babies! :)

  2. That was so nice of her! I can't wait to see these on you!

  3. That was so kind of her! I love that collection more every time I see it. Looking forward to your swatches. Enjoy your weekend :)

  4. OHMYGOSH! That was really nice of Esther. My jaw dropped when I saw those. They look beautiful. I can't wait to see your great swatches.

  5. That was so nice of her! I can't wait to see the swatches!

  6. Oh my goes, gorgeous!! And how kind of her to do that for you! I just started my nail blog a couple of days ago, so I don't know many nail sites around the web, but I can't wait to discover more. :)

  7. Looking forward to seeing these, especially Burnt Sienna and Valentino. Have a great weekend.

  8. I hope you have a fun weekend with these... What a sweet girl Rasilla is♥

  9. I answered my own question that I asked previously. This nail polish community is filled with such wonderful people. They start out as complete strangers. Then they become friends as we read their blogs or comments. It's really amazing how many friends we make thru this community. The kindes, sweetest and lovely people. That also includes you sweetie.
