Tuesday, October 20, 2009


OOOhhh Emmmm Geeee, do I love this show. I can't remember the last time I watched a tv show on a regular basis that wasn't a reality show. I had seen previews of this show and thought it looked good, but didn't really set my watch and check my calender for the debut of it. Well I finally took the time to watch all the episodes online and I realize what I have been missing!

Tell me ladies, who else is a fan of this show? Why do I feel so dumb being 30+ years old and liking this show? I have to say though - the ladies cheer leading coach - she's my fave! She cracks me up so much, lol! Second fave has to be the little gay boy - he is fierce!!

The football team using Beyonce's Put a Ring on It to loosen up and win the game:

Glee preforming Push It for the school.


  1. I love Glee! It is so funny and they are amazing singers. I missed last week's episode so I need to watch the rerun, and I can't wait for the new epi tommorrow! The football dance scene is my favorite scene of the season so far!

  2. I got caught up online too. I had to verify Puck's age since I'm 36. I didn't want to think I was a perv. lol

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm a bit weird cos although I love Glee, I really only like the songs! So I tend to have it on and wander off and then come back when the singing starts :)

  5. 47 here and LOVE glee. SO refreshing to have such a sweet yet snarky, non-violent, non-ER, non-COP show that is so entertaining!! If you're into the tunes, follow them on iTunes. They're putting up the music for downloading.

  6. I watched the pilot they aired last season and I knew I was gonna be hooked! love the show :)

  7. It's not just you. I live for this show! I was in show choir, regular choir, musical theatre etc so I guess that makes me a "Gleek" lol. I can't get enough :)

  8. OMG, Brooke! I told you this show was awesome! I love Nip/Tuck and I love Glee even more!
    My bf says 'I don't want to watch a musical' but it is soo not!
    I can't sing worth sh*t, but this makes me wish I could!
