Friday, September 4, 2009


Nope, not Christmas time......................HALLOWEEN time! I'm a nut for Halloween, I just love everything about it. I was planning on trying to have a Halloween themed nail art competition but there are about 100 other contests going on right now, so the plans for that might be put on hold, unfortunately.

I did want to share some awesome Halloween candy with you all I just picked up at my local Walgreens. I plan on giving these to my son, but they were too awesome not to share with my fellow Halloween lovers.

First up, check out this bag of blood!! It has a rope that he can wear this around his neck with. Can you imagine.....?

Looks pretty real, huh? I already know that my mom is totally grossing out over this right now, hehehe I love it!!

Check the "straw" at the end where he drinks it from!! I will have pictures of him with this in mid sip for you all after I give it to him.
Then I got a big, huge gummy tentacle!! How nasty is this! I'm loving it!! They had a huge worm and millipede too. I couldn't resist the little suction cups that the Tentacle had to offer though.

Have you all found any cool halloween candy yet?


  1. I love the candy blood bag! I'll have to go pick up a bag for DH! Halloween is the BIG holiday around our house! Thanks for posting

  2. We dont really have halloween in Denmark, although the shops are trying to get us to have it.. its looks fun but not really anything we are "celebrating" ;)

  3. Hmm...gonna have to find some of those blood bags! Our theme is "Haunted Hospital" this year, so those would fit right in.

    I haven't been looking at candy much yet - need to get on that. Been working too much on props and party planning! :-)

  4. And on the Halloween theme contest - I wouldn't worry about other contests too much. Just do what you want. More contests, more chances to win (My Oct. contest will be a Halloween one - but the more the merrier, don't you think?). :-)

  5. LOL That candy is a riot! Your son will have to let us know if it tastes good or not!

  6. LOL That candy is a riot! Your son will have to let us know if it tastes good or not!

  7. Aww, don't worry about the other contests, I think you should do it, it would be fun! And yours would be quite a bang up theme! You know I love Halloween probably as much as youdo.
    I haven't seen hardly ANYTHING in my stores yet! Definitely not a bag of blood or tentacles! They're SOOO cool and gross. Hahaha.

  8. Ah I am so jealous of your awesome Halloween candy! We don't have Halloween in Australia, it's very sad :(

  9. That candy is a riot! You are an amazing Mom to get him that candy. I can't wait to see a picture of Little with his bag of blood and tentacles. I love Halloween and all that candy. I love when the kids come to the door on Halloween. It's a shame that not many kids come to the door anymore.

  10. yuuuuuuuuuck! That is so gross but so cool. Now I am even more sorry I did not make it to Walgreen this year.

  11. I'm a big fan of Halloween too! Can't wait for it. :D I love that tentacle!

  12. I'm a big fan of Halloween too! Can't wait for it. :D I love that tentacle!
