Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Totally not nail polish related - but this was so freakin' awesome I thought I would share!! I bought mine at Walmart for around $3.00. Yumity yum yum yum! Has anyone else tried this? It tastes like there might be some chocolate in this, but I am not for sure. When it gets cold on top of my ice cream it gets thick like hot fudge gets on cold ice cream. TASTY!!

I saw they also have Orange Crush & Vanilla Cream and A&W Root Beer float flavors too!


  1. Oh man I'm going to end up getting one or all of those! mmm

  2. NINA - That's the one my son wanted me to get too!

    KAE - doooooo eeeeet!!

  3. O.M.G. Americans have the best junk food! Although the Dr Pepper one - not sure about that if it actually tastes like Dr Pepper on ice cream :) I think I told you about my childhood experiences with that!

  4. NIXXY - The cherry flavor is more prominent than the dr. pepper flavor, but it is really good I tell you!!! I might need to get the others just to see what they taste like too!!

    Refresh my memory on your childhood exp please . . .

  5. OMG thank you for alerting me that this is out there waiting for me to buy it!!!!

  6. I love Dr Pepper. I have Diet Dr Pepper Cherry in my refrigerator right now. That topping must tast amazing. I'd love Vanilla Creme also. Delicious.

  7. I'd love to get it - oh where could I get it... in Europe... One Dr.Pepper addict in the family, would be a great surprise :D

  8. I love love LOVE Dr.Pepper! Who doesn't?
