Monday, September 28, 2009


This weekend, my sister's husband and my dad brought their boats to a boat show at a local lake here in Oklahoma. It was all older style boats that were at the show. I brought Dinky and the two boys and we had a blast.

My dad
Baby Ollie - he was getting a little fussy, till I took him by the water. He loves to be outside and looking at the sky. It didn't take but a few minutes more and he was fast asleep! I snapped this picture of him on my lap.

My sister holding Dinky. You can see, Dinky was really checking things out!

My dad's boat. (A a Dinky ear for you eagle eyes out there!)

My Dad's boat.

Dinky in my dad's boat. She came dressed to impress in a cute sailor inspired dress complete with a jeweld anchor on the back.

Some of the boats heading out for the boat parade.

My sister and her husbands boat.

Cody and his son in the front and Little and Jordan in the back headed out on the parade.

Jordan didn't want his picture taken for some reason!

The rest of the pictures of some of the neater boats out. Enjoy!

Look how cute this was, it wasn't real, but it really did look very lifelike.

Violet - I can TOTALLY see you in this boat!!


  1. Enjoyable pictures, Brooke! Looks like a great day was had by all :( That boat that says "Reds" on the back near the bottom matches my nail polish today (ChG Stellar). Dinky, stunning as always...she's such a trend setter!

  2. Oh no, I meant :) not a sad face~ha-ha!

  3. Dinky is so adorable. I love seeing pix of her ;)

  4. What a fun day you must've had. I've always wanted to be on a boat racing across the water. Dinky looks spectacular! Love her little anchor. The baby looks so sweet with his hair blowing in the wind.

  5. Dawww Dinky is such a cutie pie, but not quite as much as Ollie! Looks like you had an awesome time :)

  6. Haha! Dinky the sailor - I love it :)
    And that last boat - hell yeah!

  7. Haha, this was an altogether fun post! Thank you for sharing your weekend fun. Dinky is SO cute with her little stylin' dress! I spied her ear, it took me a minute. Look at how cute Oliver is! Awww! I bet you all had a blast, it looks like perfect weather, and that boat that says Red's looks like a car my parents had when I was a kid, WAY cool! :P

  8. Loving Dinky's sailor outfit!

    Looks like a great day out - so nice to see some sunshine too.

  9. I would so wear Dinky's dress if it came in people versions/sizes XD What a lovely day out!
