Friday, August 14, 2009


Lucy - Queen of Blog Comments was tagged during the picture tags that have been going around for the last week or so by Nicole at MagicXMaid.

Even though Lucy doesn't have a blog of her own, she takes the time to comment on everyone's blogs and is always so upbeat and positive. So believe it or not, Lucy was a good sport and sent in her picture and story to Nicole for her to post up on Nicole's blog. So if you want to place a face with all the wonderful comments, please CLICK HERE for Nicole's post!



  1. yay! I was happy to see that post haha, Lucy is so sweet and totally a good sport by participating without a blog!

    Lucy if you see this and you ever change your mind about a blog and need any help don't hesitate to ask me <3

  2. I was happy to see that post too! Let's all start a crusade to get her to start a blog :)

  3. Lucy is great, she should start her own blog!

  4. I agree. I'm being greedy now and want to see Lucy's stash!

  5. She's a total sweetheart! I wish like anything she'd blog, I bet her stash is amazing. Like, our jaws would drop with wonder! ;)

  6. OMG Brooke! I am flabergasted at all the love from everyone. I have a title now, Queen of Blog Comments! Thank you so much. I was shocked when I saw this. You are a sweetheart for posting this. You know I just love reading about all the nail stuff. I try to comment on everyones blog. I think it's important to give love and encourgement to all. I can imagine it take a lot of your time to do this. I know it's taking me forever to read everything. I'm so behind in all the blogs. Thank you again and much love to you.
