Monday, August 3, 2009


April & Ashley of Concrete and Nail Polish sent me a couple "thank you " gifts for featuring their blog. Thanks so much girls, but I really do those NBOTB posts to help get the word out to new blogs. Of course, I couldn't refuse nail polish though :)

These sisters are out of the same state that I am, Oklahoma! They also help with their family business, which makes creative, beautiful things out of concrete. I saw a cakestand on their blog made out of concrete and it looks really cool! I love to bake, so that is right up my alley!

Thanks again girls, I soooo look forward to trying these out. Anyone that has been on my blog for a nano second knows of my love for all things bright and all things GLITTAH! Great choices girls, really! Thanks so much!
Want to check out their blog?
Want to check out their concrete stuff?

1 comment:

  1. How nice of those two girls. People are so sweet on these blogs. I thought the cake stand looked interesting. I wondered if it was heavy?
