Friday, August 14, 2009


Let's just bunch this into one post, shall we?

The recipe will have to wait a few more days - things here at work have been crazy so far and I didn't get it ready along with all the nail related posts I had planned for today. Since it is just a recipe, I might get on this weekend and get that posted, but no promises! It will be done by Monday at the latest though.

I have put a list of the top 7 names that you all offered. This is by far the most names I have ever gotten for a franken polish!! SO far there are like 36 entries and almost everyone has a name guess. I have to say it was very, very tough narrowing it down to just 7!! I had originally just planned on a list of 5, but since there were so many good ones, I just couldn't limit it to just 5.

Have fun voting on your favorite name this weekend!

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