Friday, August 28, 2009


Just a few non-nail related pics I wanted to share.

In my son's new class this year they have a class "pet", a stuffed animal named Milo. Each child gets a turn taking Milo home and must write in a journal a sentence on one thing that they did that night. So I have a couple pics of Little with Milo and his journal entry.

Little and Milo
Little's journal entry, it says - Milo and me played video games.

He also drew a picture of them playing video games.

A close up of the picture, so you all can see it better.
Dinky also got in on all the Milo fun. She was just SURE that Milo was her new toy!

Dinky trying to figure out if Milo is a girl or boy.


NIXXY this one is for you, a nice eye capsule shot for you! (she wasn't sleeping here, she was in mid-attack mode on Milo)

Dinky trying to deny beating up poor Milo, she said "who? me??"
Also, when I came to get Little up for school this morning there was poor Milo on the floor wrapped up in a blanket with his head on the pillow. Little said he got put down there so he wouldn't "tug the covers" off him in the night - lol!


  1. I finished college to become a professor in elementary school (I still need to write my diploma). I saw this kind of ''toy sharing'' in our schools too. Although it looks cute and all, I don't know if it's the best thing to do... I think of all the higiene and safety issues...

    P.S.: Your son looks so cute. And chihuahua is adorable. :)

  2. 'Pull off the covers' lol! Too cute!

  3. LOL Dinky rocks! That's great. And those are cute pics of Little and Milo and such! What type of dog (with what seems like a human personality trapped inside via your pix!) is Dinky?!

  4. NIHRIDA - There was a little note attached to the book asking for Milo to be thrown in the washer on occassion, lol. Thanks :)

    CONTESTS AND SUCH - lol - I know, right!

    BEAUTYJUDY - Thank you!Dinky is a chihuahua.

  5. How adorable! I love these pictures, they're funny!

  6. Oh little kids and their toys. They are too cute.

    Love the doggy :) Chihuahua are fierce creatures. Don't underestimate them just cause they're tiny :D

  7. Little is looking handsome as usual. I adore his imagination! That's so cute putting Milo on the floor with the blanket. I just had to laugh. Dinky is way bigger than Milo. In her mind that is. I love how you got her in mid growl or bite. Teeth baring picture is so funny! Was Dinky going for the cohones?

  8. Hahaha, Dinky was fierce! I love all her pictures :) And Little, what a handsome boy....hahaha about him wrapped up on the floor! That was really cute!!!
