Monday, August 17, 2009


I have FINALLY caught Dinky in the midst of doing her Rodeo-ing! Dinky loves to do this, especially at night - she gets a sugar burst and must run as fast as she can around the coffee table to get it out of her system! This brings me, the BF and my son lots of joy!! When she does this I must stop everything I am doing and watch, lol!

Please note that this is three different videos! And those sounds you hear are her breathing and her collar tags clinking! ENJOY!!

You also might notice the sock on the floor - that's because Dinky is a sock thief! She loves socks for some reason. And when you wear socks on your feet, she comes over and starts nibbling your toes and pulling until she gets the sock off or you finally take it off to keep her from biting your toes!


  1. Wow, Dinky moves fast! Holy cow! I understand the sock thing; my late dog (german shepard) was a shoe thief!

  2. ah!! I love it!! She is too quick! My Cashy does this too! We call it "Crazy Man Run"! And he loves socks! He won't still them off your feet like your little lady though!

  3. LMAO x 1,000,000! So unbelievably cute. Thankyou for posting this!

  4. LMAO! That was great! Thanks for posting!!!

  5. LMAO! When I saw the name of this post, I said I have to read it for the name alone! Then I watched the videos and they are hilarious! Love it :-)

  6. Hahahaha! My Dad's jack russel does that too it's so cute :D

  7. Hahahaa! It's Speedy Gonzales! :D

  8. Look at her go! She just needs a lasso to round up socks in a whole new way! Adorable!

  9. Your doggy is so much like mine. He is also a sock thief and he gets hyper like that some times too :D

  10. Oh, that Dinky! She's such a character. She needs a tiny speedometer!

  11. Those clips are a riot! I have a cat that loves shoes - whether your feet are in them or not, so your description of her pulling socks off is so hilariously, obviously true. . . .

  12. Love it Brooke! Thanks for posting the videos of the Dinky Rodeo. She is a riot. I guess she has to get all her pent up energy out. A sock thief and toe nibbler, shame on that bad girl!

  13. At least Dinky is small. My 80lb dog does this throughout our house. Up the stairs, down the stairs, downstairs, kitchen, hallway, etc., etc., etc. But she won't do it outside! Ugh it drives me crazy!
