Friday, August 7, 2009


As Helen of Helen & Sheenie's Nice Things would say, I'm doing the "my preeeeeecious" nail slink! hehehe As most of you know, Essie St. Martin Mint is a discontinued color that I have wanted for a several months and I just recently acquired through the kindness of a reader, again THANK YOU! While this color does take at least 4 carefully applied coats to reach bottle color and opaqueness - I feel it is totally worth it. Somethings are just worth the hassle :)

I wanted to add a little konading to this, but I didn't want to disrupt the color too much, since I still wanted to enjoy the mintyness of it all. So I selected a small flower design from konad plate #M60 and used a white for the stamp color. I think it came out just as I had hoped. I then added some small clear jewels to the center of the flowers. This is very dainty and sweet - and I think you should remember this because I don't do these type of mani's often!


  1. These nails are gorgeous! I love the pattern you chose to put on that green!

  2. it's a classic one! looks great on you, and this green shade is so special!

  3. Mmmmm minty! I probably don't even have to say it lol. That is so pretty no wonder you were hunting for it. The flowers and little stones are the perfect touch

  4. That polish is great! I love that kind of color. Am always looking for it. As to the whole thing put together, I just want to squee! I think you chose perfectly, the jewels, the little flowers in white. I love it! So super cute.

  5. Very pretty! I love how summery it looks. I've been swamped lately and just now saw your "Digging through Diamonds" post and that is awesome!

  6. That is one sweet manicure. Love the shade of mint green, the Konad and the jewels. Very pretty and girly!

  7. Hi Brooke!
    Got to say i love this minty color,it's so sweet and makes me feel refresh. And the flower is just nice there...
    Anyways thanks for coming to my blog! ^^

  8. Oh, I love St Martin Mint! So glad I saw this: it's en route to me as we speak!

  9. Ooo this is uber cute!! I love the colour, it's so unique!

  10. Definitely deserving of a Preciousss Slink! Looks fab on you and I'm so glad yoy scored a bottle after wanting it for so long :)

  11. Hi - new to your blog but I love it! I love this color, it's ashame it's discontinued!!

  12. I adore this!! I really want this color. lol
