Thursday, August 13, 2009


WARNING - sorry in advance for causing any tummy growls!

I thought I would post my food pics up from last night early, before it gets to close to lunch time and I get a bunch of angry comments :)

Not only am I nail polish freak - I'm a food freak. I not only love to eat but I love to cook too. It used to be my dream to go to Chef's school. I can honestly say though, I would much rather go to nail tech school as I have gotten older.

Anyway I made Spinach Pesto Manicotti - and the best part about his dish is you don't have to cook the noodles before hand, which makes stuffing all that spinach ricotta mixture inside so much easier.

I almost forgot to get a picture! That's how come the pan is halfway empty - whoops!

This wasn't half eaten, I just cut them open to try and get a shot of those yummy insides!

I also made fried peaches the other night too. I have had fried peaches that are sort of batter dipped which are soooo yummy, but these were just fried in a pan. It's really simple to do too - but tastes oh sooooo good. You just slice up your peach and fry it in a pan with butter, brown sugar and white sugar. After it was bubbly, I let it cook on low for about 30 minutes and then served it over ice cream and topped it off with some whip cream - DELISH!! I swear it tastes like warm, buttery, caramel sauce with sweet, soft warm peaches - out of this world :)


  1. Both dishes look divine! I love spinach and those peaches swimming in butter and sugar is kiling me aaaaaaaahhhhhh

  2. They look so yummy!!! I love to cook too. I've just eaten lunch but my stomach's still growling!!

  3. Too late Brooke! I'm! They both look yummy! Now I better go russell up some!

  4. They both look delicious! Good thing I'm off for lunch in a little over 15 mins!

  5. Ooooh - fried peaches! I've never heard of that before, but it sounds soooo good!

  6. Wooooow, Brooke I knew that pasta was going to look amazing. You need to post the recipe! YUMMM. And those peaches look heavenly!

  7. They look so yummy. what all did you put in the first dish. Fried peaches yummmmmmmy.

  8. can you post on how to make that spinach/cheese/pasta dish? it looks delicious!

  9. I shouldn't have looked anyways! I don't have an empty stomach but I have such a passion for food so either way.. yummie!

  10. Ok, so not only are you getting on a plane to Konad me, I might let you cook me dinner too :)

  11. These dishes both look so delicious. Peaches are my favorite fruit. This looks particularly yummy!

  12. could you post a recipe on the spinach pesto manicotti?
