Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I bet you all are wondering what the heck is "NOTLCOD" - - - lol! Well it stands for Nail Of The Last Couple Of Days :)

Stupid I know, but NOTD wasn't quite right since I have been wearing this for the last couple of days. I didn't post this yesterday because this is a color that I have worn before and I didn't do anything special to it with any nail art or anything.

I decided to post it today since I haven't posted any pics of my fake nails since I put them on last Saturday night. So what the heck!! (Yes I do put on my own fake nails.)

I know some of you all are not fans of fake nails - but I see it as do what works for you and what makes YOU happy. Sometimes fake nails make me happy so I wear them from time to time. I get tired of them and take them off and go with my real ones. I just do whatever makes ME happy :)


  1. I'm having a pink shocker - I LOVE that colour on you!

    I'm not into fake nails but they do have a purpose - I'll need an acrylic tip for one of my busted ones soon. So - each to their own.

  2. do what makes you happy girl!!

    Ya know, your reals are so amazing grown out, i can't tell the difference between them and these!!

  3. I agree, whatever makes you happy with your own nails! They look pretty on you, as does this hot pink polish!

  4. You did a beautiful job with application. I wore falsies on my thumb nails in the spring. There is nothing wrong with needing an enhancement on occasion! Your hands look lovely.

  5. I LOVE this pink, yum yum! (Dont be scared)

    I think you did a great job with the fake nails I would have never known if you didn't say so!

  6. Are your real nails the same length as these? I'm confused now. I thought all along that they were your nails. I love the pink polish. Very pretty and sparkly.

  7. The polish is super pretty, the nails looks gorgeous. ^^

  8. Oh my, I want this polish! I tried to go to they website but my computer's anti-virus didn't let me there :-o And I like your nails, fakes or own. You sure know how to make these fakes look so nice and natural :-).

  9. Love this pink!

    I think I may go get some fake nails, my nails broke. =[

  10. I'm not a big fan of hot pinks because there are just so many out there. But this color is amazing!!

  11. your artificial nails look great, really natural. where did you get them? and can you do a little tutorial on how to apply them pls?
