Monday, July 27, 2009


I don't own OPI's My Private Jet, so that's where you all come in! As soon as I saw this on my Diamond Cosmetics hand painted swatches I knew I needed this color! It is called Chainmail Charm. When I actually got the color in the mail, it didn't disappoint! This color is freaking AWESOME! Not only did it apply great, the color is just impressive! And three days later when I still had this on, it looked as shiny as glass! There is absolutely nothing bad to say about this polish! It wore great, hardly any tip wear and for a price of $2.00 a bottle how can you go wrong? Take a look:

Ok, so I know there was drama with My Private Jet - a holo and non-holo version. After looking at swatches on the Nail Gal - I think this polish is almost an exact dupe for the holo version of My Private Jet!! Tell me what you all think!
Want your own bottle? ORDER HERE!


  1. Oooh! do they do other holos, too? *runs over to site*

  2. i don't have MPJ but you make me want to get this to relieve the want! do you have color club revvvolution? i have that one and it looks like yours, but in most lights it is not impressive. just in direct sun, or if you take pics of it, then with flash it looks pretty good. maybe i'll try this and see if it's better.

    Looks great!

    PS-sorry about the nails breaks! :c(

  3. That polish looks like MPJ. I can never tell which version it is, I even have a bottle but I don't know which version it is. lol

  4. Whoa, fantastic! I'm definitely looking into diamond cosmetics.

  5. OMG...this color looks great. Gotta check out that website...=)

  6. This is so lovely. I have both polishes. But have not compared them. Maybe I'll so that for todays!

  7. Gorgeous color, at the first time I've seen it, I thought it was a dupe of MPJ, but it's not online at the unique website which ship to europe :(

  8. I have both the original MPJ and Chainmail's not a dupe; the original MPJ is sheerer. I honestly prefer CC over both MPJ AND Revvvolution...I don't know why, Revvvolution was a let-down for me. You can't beat the price either.

  9. That is gorgeous- I NEED it!

  10. Wow! Well spotted, Sherlock! I never get tired of looking at these dark holos. Lovely.

  11. Nice dark color, just seen Velvet's comparison they both look very cool!

  12. Oh wow, this is very very cool! Not having a side by side comparison, I have to say from memory of swatches I've seen it looks pretty darn close. My version of MPJ is definitely the non-holo version, and although it is quite nice and I love it, I wouldn't mind having the holo! This would be a much cheaper and just as pretty alternative.

  13. dont own either mpj, but i like this one.. and for 2 dollars! not bad, not bad

  14. I don't have either. This looks like Revvolution to me. That I do have. Your nails are looking gorgeous. I love all the dolors in this polish.

  15. It looks like a good dupe to me. Very pretty!

  16. to me it looks like a good dupe, cause it looks like the one I own! lol just not with the same price tag :T totally jealous that its 2 bucks! a total steal~

  17. that polish is very stunning... it looks great!!!

  18. Oh OH OH!! Ok, so I'm like 6mths late at reading this post (back reading) BUT I just about wet my pants when I did becaaaaauuuuse YAY we have Diamond Cosmetics in New Zealand. An actual range I can pop out and buy whenever I see something here I like. Woot Woot. Tho they're not $2 here but they're still reasonable ($5).
