Thursday, June 11, 2009


Last night I did a couple swatches from my three new bottles of Orly Satins that I got. And all in all I have to say that I really do like them all. Also I think the whole matte thing has kind of hit dudsville since the OPI swatches came out, am I right or what? I don't think I have heard much in the way of positive news about them. I would like to see swatches where some one has put a top coat on them though, has anyone seen that anywhere?

Anyway, the Orly Satin polishes aren't really "matte" polishes but rather "satin" finish polishes. I think that is why these still have a little bit of that shine & shimmer to them, where as the matte polishes I have seen from OPI there is a distinct difference. But like with mattes, in order to achieve "the look" you need to leave a top coat off. I still think these all have a unique look to them even when a top coat is applied. All pictures below are each a different amount of coats but all have no top coat.


I was actually a little impressed with this one. It was much more white than when I had first tried it out on one nail.

Ahhh, my urine sample of a nail polish! This took the most coats, I actually lost count but I know it was at least 5. This did look better on that I thought it would considering how waterery it is in the bottle. I'm still hoping someone out there might have some frankening tips for me on how to make this more opaque with out losing the "satin" finish it has. I am thinking using a yellow eyeshadow instead of another polish, but I'm not for sure.

And just to see what it looked like, I painted it over a bright yellow base. I really liked it over a yellow base, it looked more like that buttah in a bottle look I was going for.

This one was the most like my original purple one I had. This color was gorgeous! It was opaque in two coats and I love that it is bright red. Hands down the best from this bunch but I still think my purple one is the best of them all. I think these were all worth the $3.50 that were paid for them, but I wouldn't break my neck trying to hunt the rest of the collection down.

I mean really, how pretty is that?


  1. i heart the satin passion. the others are just meh for me.

  2. I like the satub finish. Very pretty colors. I like the red the best.

  3. KELLIEGONZO - Yup, the other two were def. disapointments, but not as bad as I originally thought they would be. The red one looks just like satin though.

    LUCY - The red is the winner winner chicken dinner!

  4. I like all three... but that last one is just gorgeous! :)

  5. I meant to say yesterday that the urine sample really made me laugh.
    Hope you get some good frankening tips soon as Im sure you can make it better.

    And yes, the red is luvverly.

  6. I liked them all, although the red is my favorite. I think once you franken that pee pee in a bottle it'll be fantastic!

  7. I still think that the "urine in a bottle" looks way better on you than it did on me:) I do love the red one though.

    I just got the NYC color you sent and I can't wait to try it out!

  8. Yep - satin is about as far as I will go with the matte look. Satin Passion is gorgeous!

  9. Brooke- Try some yellow eyeshadow or pigment. If you add non-satin polish to it, it will become glossy.
    Sometimes dollar stores have yellow eyeshadow in those compacts with 10 or 11 colors. Give it a try, but don't add it to the bottle- pour a little of the polish out onto a tray or cup and add the pigment/eyeshadow by brushing it in with a shadow brush. Then mix it up.

  10. Why do I think the gold, silver, and white Orly Satin polishes were made more sheer so you could wear them over another color? It's been so long since I bought mine, so I could be remembering wrong. You might want to try the white & gold over a dark color, like red or dark green, to see how that looks.

  11. Lol...urine nail polish sample! That was too funny! Yes the red was awesome looking! I'm not sure what to think about the matte craze. I've not tried it.

  12. Satin passion looks great on you!

  13. Last night I tried Grace over Wet'n'Wild Black and Caribbean Frost (turqoise green). It looked amazing over the black and pretty good over the other too. I want to try it over dark green, red, and blue next.

  14. Satin passion looks gorgeous!

  15. Satin passion is stunning, it looks so good on your skintone!

  16. I love SOCIETY and PASSION, they are really nice ! I was expecting to something diferent, I don't know exactly what...maybe a bit diferent finish...but they are beautiful either way :-)
