Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Have you guys seen the "nerd" HK stuff?? I could be way behind on this, but I just saw it today! I love this stuff. Why the heck do I like Hello Kitty so much? I especially love this nerd stuff because that is what I call my son :)

So I totally need to do my HK fauxnad stamp tonight and then draw some glasses on it!!!


  1. Where did you find this?! Love it

  2. So cute. I love Hello Kitty! People tell me I'm too old for it, but what do they know?! Also I love the new layout!

  3. Love the new layout and the new picture of Dinky. She looks like a little stuffed toy. I've never seen these. Very cute. The only Hello Kitty stuff I have are Mac products.

  4. Those are really cute. Hello Kitty with glasses is total Geek WIN! I already have a Snoopy "Joe Cool" baseball cap that says "I Love Nerds"... he has on a little suit with a bow tie and glasses. Adorable.

  5. HK looks so sweet in those glasses!

  6. KAE - I signed up for email updates from Sanrio.com. I got an email from them yesterday and saw this. You can just get on Sanrio.com and you should be able to find it pretty easy.

    RAI - I know, isn't it? I love the tape in the middle of the glasses too.

    NIXXY - Metoo!Metoo!

    VIOLET - I know, HK has some really good ideas :)

    ADOREPINK - I know, I feel a little old myself, but what can you do, you like what you like! Thanks :)

    LUCY - Thanks. Dinky is a little toy, my little toy, hehehe! I don't have much HK stuff either, but I just love it!

    AURORA - The hat sounds really cute! I think walmart for a while was selling t-shirts that said I love nerds but they never had my size!!

    CLOCKWORK - :) Totally too cute!

    ALEXLYNDRA - I know, it's like there is no end to what they will do with HK next!

  7. I LOVE HELLO KITTY And this is uber CUTE!!! I'm currently on a mission to find an image plate with Hello Kitty on it. Apparently the place that sells Konad at a mall near me, said they would request a Hello Kitty image or image plate but I doubt that would be anytime soon. The woman that works there said she would request it (according to my BF) so, I guess we'll see? *Crosses fingerS*

    I'm also looking forward to your mini flat iron review! (=

    Oh and I LOVE the new blog layout!!

  8. ahh totally cute!! I got a I love nerds hello kitty shirt from JC Penney.

  9. SWEET LITTLE ANGEL - I got my HK "fauxnad" plate from Ebay. Have you checked there? If you need help finding it, let me know and I will get you a link.

    ITZZZZKIMMM - Oh really, did it look like this design? Very cute!

  10. I want that fauxnad stamp so bad!!

  11. BEATRIZ - Have you looked on ebay?
