Tuesday, June 30, 2009


This is the first of my previously un-shown mani's I had stored up. I found three, so I will post them all.

On this one I used Color Club - Electro Candy and stamped them with Konad SP in black & used plate #M71. I didn't do the best on the stamping, which is why I haven't shown this one to you all. But since I have been lacking in the posts I figured an ugly koni was better than no koni, lol!


  1. The stanping looks pretty damn good to me, lady!

  2. Cute! I love that plate! As soon as these ceramic flowers look icky I'm going to have to try this!

  3. This isn't an ugly Koni. I love that design. I adore pink and black together. I had a favorite sweater that was a deep pink and black checked. I wore that thing to death. I love the French design also. You've done a damn fine job girly! I just see one nail who's design is a tiny bit crooked. I only see that because you have a close up. Thanks for sharing with us.

  4. HELEN - Thanks. It was too hurried, so it's not my best work.

    VIOLET - I saw you had some nail art up on your site. I am playing catch up with all my fav blogs today, so i will check it out!

    LUCY - i know, these damn camera's pick up EVERYTHING! lol I don't mind though. Thank you :)

    CELINE - I know, I have been wanting to use that girl stamp for a while now!

  5. I love this konad w/ the hot pink. Totally cute!

  6. I <3 Color club and Electro Candy pink is one of my favorite! Pure Energy too! That's such a fabulous collection.

    I like the lady on your nails. Looks really neat.
