Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Today I thought I would share my Sinful Colors stash with you all. I took pictures of all of my Sinful nail polishes that I own. I can honestly say that I have only tried about half of these! I know, I know! These are so cheap though, at only $1.99, that I tend to grab up colors that I don't have.

What I like about Sinful Colors -
Price - These only cost $2 bucks ea!
Availability - I can easily get these at my local Walgreen's, and most carry a very large selection. I do know that these are available at
CherryCulture too for those of you without Walgreen's on every corner, like here in Oklahoma.
Color Range - A nice large selection of some pretty darn good colors. I love their glitters too!

Application - I don't really have any stand out problems applying any of my Sinfuls. I know some other bloggers do and don't like this brand - but I personally don't experience any more trouble with these than any other brand.

What I don't like about Sinful Colors -
Customer Service / Website
- First and foremost - these two things have to be my biggest gripes! Both suck - end of story!!
Drying Time - Even with a top coat of Seche I seem to have to wait forever on them to dry.

See any colors that interest you??

Same ones, just arranged a little differently.


  1. What a fantastic collection....sooo pretty and colourful.

    Unsurprisingly, I am intrigued by the greys. They all look gorgeous though - and lucky you being able to pick up polishes that are such good value for money.

  2. HELEN - I thought they looked pretty together too! Like a rainbow :) I know, these are such a steal, aren't they!

  3. i have the sudden urge to run to walgreens lol
    love those cool colors in the back :]

  4. I need to make a list of what I have and then go to my Walgreen's and get some more. Our display is so out of order! They all look so pretty and colorful the way you lined them up :)

  5. I love all those colors all lined up. They all look so pretty. Did you notice that on their website the polishes are 50 cents more?
    Do you keep a list of the polishes you own?

  6. Wow that is a lot of pretty colors to play with!

  7. Ooooh such a big collection.
    I don't own a single Sinful Colors polish. Eyed them a few times in Walgreens, but they look old. =/

  8. I do like Sinful, but my problem is that quite a few of the colors I've picked up were too sheer (i.e., Daddy's Girl).

  9. Sinful is the maker of my very favorite polish: Dream On.

    It's loud, looks great on me, and applies great in 2 coats. What more can I ask for?

  10. I love Sinful Colors too! I've tried four of them and the colours are amazing!

  11. NINA - Get theee to walgreens I say!!!

    MARY - I agree!! I don't think I have come across a Sinful's display that has been in order, lol!

    LUCY - I DID notice that! i wonder what is up with that bs??
    I tried to for a while, and then I just gave up! lol

    NORA - I know, it is a shame I don't use them often enough.

    RAI - Well now that you are hooked on the good stuff (CG) I guess these do look "old" - lol!

    THE ASIAN GIRL - I have come across some sheers too, but most are ok, at least the ones I have gotten.

    D:) - I have that one. It is a nice, bright polish!

    ALEXLYNDRA - That really are a good brand expecially for their price too.

  12. I just bought some of these today and maybe they changed the formula or something cause they driedso fast on my nails. Especially the dream on color, it dried before my sally hansen insta-dri did! I just discovered these today and bought up 5 colors, Imma start buying five a week,they are all so pretty!

  13. SPARKLINGPINKGORILLA - Thanks for stopping by. I just saw that you had a blog and I checked it out. Those hot wind soaps you posted on I have GOT to get!
