Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Today I have a couple more new blogs to bring to your attention.

THE HUNGRY ASIAN - Kae is a VERY talented nail artist! She entered in my nail art contest that I had a few months ago and submitted many wonderful designs. Her blog also contains a few posts about food too, which for me doesn't get much better. The only thing I like as much as nails IS food, so you know I really like her blog!!

NAILSNHAIR - Lots of really great nail art pics. I also saw where she is trying out do it yourself Gel nails, which I find interesting. This is a fairly new blog, just a few months in.

NATURE NAILS - This blog has some of THE BEST pictures I have seen! I would love to know what camera is used. But alas, this is a french blog so I have no clue, but it is totally worth it just to look at the beautiful pictures.

NIKKI'S NAILS - This is a blog by a stay at home mom (oh how I would love to be a stay at home mom and do my nails all day!!!) to two kids. Nikki just recently took up blogging about her nails. This blog is brand spankin' new with only 7 posts so far. Nikki's blog so far appears to be NOTD shots, which we can never have too many of those, now can we! :)

OZO FINGERS - This is Nina's blog, another fairly new blog too. SO far I have seen just about everything, nail art pics, frankens and NOTD's. In Nina's last post she is taking on the task of making colors that correspond to Pokemon - GOTTA GET 'EM ALL!!

That's what I have for you all this week. As always - please stop by these blogs and show them a little love~~~~~

If you have a blog that you would like to be featured here, please email me at getchanailsdid@yahoo.com with a link to your blog.


  1. Thanks, Brooke! I love new blogs, my reading list grows daily. I followed the ones I could and added the others to my favorites. I need to organize these, following some, favoriting ones that don't have the follow ability, any hints? :)

  2. MARY - I follow all my blogs - even ones that don't have the little "follow" tab on them and even blogs from other blog hosts ( I guess that is the right word) like Wordpress, etc. I just go to my blogger dashboard and manually add them to my follow list.

  3. Thank you Brooke for spreading the love!

  4. Thanyou for adding my blog Brooke!

  5. KAE and NIKKI - No problem at all girls!

  6. I'm not on Blogger so can't really follow anyone unfortunately so I just have all of them saved on my PC favourites and go through them every night if I can. There's dedication!

    Must go and say hello to the new ladies now!

  7. Nikki, if you're reading this then I just wanted to let you know that I tried to comment on your blog but the Name/USL option wasn't there and nothing I tried would save :0(

  8. *URL option - sorry, am full of typos today. Oops.
