Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Last night I ran head first into a night of nail polishing. And it wasn't pretty - no sir! Everything I did, I either messed up, didn't like, didn't take my time, yada yada yada! I think I have hit a serious creative block here! It was like I was starving and nothing I ate was what I wanted. Hopefully tonight will be different, I certainly don't want another night like last night.

I ended up just painting my nails - yes, I just left them plain. I used one of my beloved TiNS - they always make me feel good.

I took a couple pics of some of the nails I did last night.
Do you all remember these Orly Satin Hues? You are supposed to leave them matte and not put a top coat on them. I love this purple - isn't it pretty? Of course we all know I put a top coat on this baby, but I snapped some pics of it before the top coat for all you matte lovers out there.

I used a purple foil to konad with. I liked this, but as you can see Dinky left a claw gouge in my middle nail.

These were the only pictures I took last night, but believe me I probably changed my nail polish 20 times last night.


  1. That purple looks fantastic! I can't wait for my big online hauls this week; I picked up that Nubar matte tope coat so I'll see what I can do with it.

  2. THE ASIAN GIRL - Oh cool, hope you post up the pics so we can all see!!

  3. *Love* the black ones, Brooke (or dark, anyways). The glitter tips and pearls are just too elegant. Sorry you had "polish block" last night!

  4. I love that Orly polish. Such a beautiful shade of orchid. I prefer it matte. I like the black manicure. Very goth looking.

  5. I like the looks of that Orly, the shade and the matte-ness. I have days like that too, where nothing goes right, nothing makes me happy. It's best to stay away from me on days like that :)

  6. The black n' silver mani has inspired me! Awesome! :)

  7. Love love the matte purple!!

    The black and silver reminds me of a dress shirt! Very pretty.

  8. That purple is FAB. :D

    Also, have you seen this?

    I was browsing through the webcomic's previous posts and that one reminded me of your blog.

  9. Brooke, the exact same thing is happening to me tonight. I've painted my nails a million times and I hate all of it. Nothing is working for me. It's like I've run into a wall :-(
    But I love that purple on you, it's gorgeous. I dont know if I could leave the topcoat off either...

  10. omgggg jealousy! your nails have been looking soooo nice these past couple of weeks! i am LOVING that purple! i have a bottle of satin hues from like five or six years ago. i was actually rocking the color last weekend, its called satin love and its like a reddish orangeish shade :)

  11. Hope your day is better today :-) I love that Orly - great shade of purple, great matte finish and I love it also with the top coat, altough I think the matte finish was more special, but not more pretty...

  12. I love those matte polishes! I don't own one yet, but I've ordered Orly's matte top coat and I hope for it to arrive soon, since I ordered it about three weeks ago. :)
    Buy the way, I think the black funky french looks great!

  13. Your nails do look fantastic!

    I know what you mean about polish block - I think we all get it from time to time. I love the purple though.

  14. Hello! That’s an amazing purple. I’m not so sure how I feel about matte nail polish but that one’s really pretty. I am loving your blog, have a great day!

  15. JAMIE - Thank you, it is actually kind of a charcoal color, it wasn't fully black. But thank you :)

    LUCY - That Orly one is pretty old, at least 10 years if not more.

    MARY - ooooh, thanks for the warning there! lol The Orly one is pretty cool, I don't see them anymore, maybe I should check ebay.

    THE PBG- Thank goodness my creative block did someone some good!!

    KAE - Thank you and yes, the black one makes me think fo that too.

    ANGIE - LMAO!! That's too funny! Thanks for the link.

    ADOREPINK - I see you aren't a fan of this matte trend either :)

    KAREN - Thank you!! Your color sounds pretty awesome! I am thinking I might check ebay for some more of these satin hue ones.

    TULI - Thank you so much. The purple color is so pretty on it's own, I think that's what makes it work great either with a top coat or without.

    ALEXLYNDRA - I have been hearing alot of people getting that matte top coat lately. I'm curious to see what it will look like over regular polishes.

    HELEN - Thank you!

    STEPHANIEANN - Thank you so much! You always leave such nice comments :) I am out on the whole matte polish, I like my shine too much, but the purple color on this orly is just to pretty not to use!

  16. Ooh I like the purple, I dig the matte, but oddly would like to see that one shiny!

  17. I love this purple color and the matte finish, I wish I owned one of them, but I guess this is not produced any more?

  18. CLOCKWORK - lol - you are the last person I expected to hear that from!

    NEGLELAKK - Thank you, yes, this polish is at least 10 yrs old, I don't think they make it anymore!

  19. These are so pretty,even if you did have a hard time,chosing what polish and what to do.
