Wednesday, May 20, 2009


This morning was my son's school kindergarten program. It was all about our state, Oklahoma and America. There are three Kindergarten classes with a total of 70 students and they each had a part in their production today! They sang 11 songs, most with little hand motions - I'm pretty impressed that they all remembered most of it too. Of course, my son was THE BEST - lol!

His part was to hold up the letter "H" when they sing the song "Oklahoma". My camera will take short videos, so I videoed him. My favorite part was right after he holds up his letter he looks right over at me and granny to make sure we saw him hold up his letter! lol

And here are a couple of photo's I took at the program - my son is the one in the flag shirt - heheehhe!
Before the program on the way to school this morning - he was TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL!

He got his flag and was outta there! lol

Little and his granny (my mom, you might recognize her by her nails!)

Little and his teacher Mrs. Jalbert

Little and his momma!


  1. Your son has got style ! And you are too cute together !

  2. CELINE - lol - yes, he is totally stylin'!!

    RAI - Thanks ;P

  3. How adorable is Little! I love his making sure your checking him out. Oklahoma is my favorite musical. He's so cute just like his Mama.

  4. Of course he was the best one in the play :) He looks like he had a great time. Love the pic of the two of you.

  5. He's such a livewire! Look at the faces of the other kids - they're just phoning it in :) You may have a mini Hugh Jackman on your hands, there!

  6. I couldn't get the YouTube to play (pesky work filters) but the photos are great. And WHAT a glam mum you are!!

  7. LUCY - I know, that was my faveorite part too! Thank you!

    MARY - But, of course!!! He did really good, all the kids did. Thank you.

    NIXXY - lol - Thanks! Everytime he saw the camera on him he had to do some pose, lol - he cracks me up.

    HELEN - Thank you!

  8. Oh that's so sweet! What a good time you all had! Thanks for sharing!
