Friday, May 1, 2009


Whew! I'm still busy as all get out, but I didn't want the weekend to come with out letting you all know about the goodies I got and my MAY GIVEAWAY details.

Last week I was contacted by Revlon and asked if I wanted to try out a few of their products. The goodies arrived this week and imagine my surprise when they included TWO of each item they sent! The items Revlon sent me:
Three (3) different sets of false eye lashes
One (1) Set of false nails
One (1) Fingr's brand nail glue
So as I review each item, I will have one of the same up for grabs here! THANK YOU REVLON! I'm so excited that I finally got some of my freebies that I can actaully share with my great readers :)


Also as some of you know, my birthday is coming up, next Wed. May 6th. In celebration of my B-day I have some goodies that I have been stockpiling for some fun giveaway's through out the month of May :)


  1. ooh reviews can't wait to read about how the lashes worked out!

  2. CLOCKWORK - LMAO!! All that FREE stuff I just mentioned and you got excited about the reviews! lol Silly Rabbit!

  3. Dood! I think Revlon Janet forgot about me. She was gonna send me lashes and fakie nails. I was actually excited about the fakie nails lol. I hope I can win some from you instead ROFL.

  4. P.S. I just spilled half a bottle of nail polish remover all over my desk. Life is good!

  5. PIXIE - oh no about not getting your goodies! Stay tuned, you JUST might be a lucky winner!!

    PS I hope it was that bottle of crap remover I told you to throw away!!

  6. gotta love goodies!
    &happy early birthday fellow may baby!
    mines is today.

  7. WTH! It's like everybody but me got these Revlon freebies. =[
    LMAO. Luck you!

  8. A early Happy Birthday. Nice things you are getting from Revlon. Have you ever used false lashes before? I haven't, but they look like fun.

  9. Oooh looks like a lot of fun! I've not tried fake lashes before. I'm a little leery about glueing things to my!

  10. Advanced happy birthdaaay! Yay for freebies. I hope someday I'll get freebies, too. Lol!

  11. COURTNEY - Happy b-day to you too!

    RAI - Dang!! How did I get these over you?? I might need your guidence on putting on the lashes!!

    LUCY - No! I have bought some before at Halloween, but I couldn't get the things to stick right and I gave up. This could be an adventure!!

    VELVET - lol! Lets hope they come off easy :)

    CHRISSy - Thank you :) Maybe you can win one the extras I am giving away - that's freebies :)

  12. Oooow cool! I can't wait to hear about the eyelashes, I'm a lash junkie but I'm currently hunting latex free glue because I've become allergic. I'm looking forward to how they look! Go you and your freebies!

  13. First off, I have to say that May babies are the best! My b-day is May 15th so I'm a little biased! lol :-)
    Also, those nails look fun, cant wait to see them...

  14. VIOLET - I think I am going to have to do some research on how to put them on though! I have seen a couple of good tutorials though, so it shouldn't be too hard.

    ADOREPINK - Happy early b-day to you! I better get them tried out quick, I don't want to have to cut my natural nails for them!!

  15. wow.. good freebies, I hope we have the same freebies in the Philippines... But sadly we don't....

    Anyways, Happy birthday..
