Monday, May 4, 2009


I got this np thanks to a contest that Glamour and Essie were doing about a month or so ago. I really don't remember all the details about the contest, but I think it was for the first 500 people that filled out a request on Glamour mags website. I wasn't aware that it was going to be a mini though! lol, this bottle of polish is so tiny! I wish I had a baby around me so I could snap a picture of the baby hand holding the baby bottle of nail polish.

Did you guys do this? Has anyone else gotten their np?


  1. I entered, but I doubt I won. lol
    Did they e-mail you if you did?

  2. RAI - No they didn't email me, I just got the polish in the mail. I had actually forgotten all about it. Did you remember it saying anything about them being mini's?

  3. That is tiny...maybe it was meant for Dinky? But it was free, so that's a good thing :)

  4. MARY - lol - I didn't even think of it being Dinky sized!! I will have to see if I can get a pic of her holding it tonight! lol

  5. Brooke, I do remember that part. lol

  6. RAI - lol, ok! I guess I was in a hurry to get my entry from filled out!

  7. I should've known from looking at the promo pic! The mini-bottle is more streamlined than the full-sized bottle. Oh well, free polish!

  8. I just got mine today!
    It sure is tiny. I didn't think it was going to be a mini, either.

  9. I forgot all about that polish. I haven't gotten mine yet. My goodness it is tiny. Good idea Mary had to maybe it's for Dinky! I love her cute baby picture.

  10. Brooke- You got yours! I haven't yet, I hope I get one, too! That sucks that it is a mini, I don't remember that either, I just saw FREE and wrote my name down!

  11. I was actually thinking about this contest the other day. I thought I'd made it in as one of the first 500 - I did it just at 9:00 (I'm on the west coast), and it opened at noon. However, I've yet to receive any bottle - dinky-sized or nay!
