Thursday, May 21, 2009


After using my Orly Satin Hues the other night, I was curious if they were available for purchase on Ebay. I know the bottle that I own is at least 10 yrs old, so I know they don't make it anymore. Although, with the whole "matte" craze that is going on right now, I am curious if Orly will come out with something similar.

After a quick search on Ebay, I def. did find some of the Satin Hues still available, but the purple one I have was not found. But look at this one:

This baby looks like buttah in a bottle! I just HAD to have this, and at only $3.29 and free shipping - who's to say I shouldn't! So I DID! Plus the name is Grace - how freakin' fitting is that!

I also snagged this little baby too:

OMG, I know, right!! I don't even like the mattes that much, but these are too good to pass up! This one looks like icing in a bottle! This one is called Society. I got both of these from Lee Beauty Barber Supply (LBBS).

I also have been needing some little pots for all of nail art supplies that I have. They are literally such a mess right now and I think that is why I don't use them as much as I would. I found these pots, 60 total, and I believe that come 12 to a clear case. I got these for $19.00 and free shipping.

So there is $30 bucks GONE!

Also, everytime I get on Ebay I search for Essie - St. Martin Mint. I want this polish in the worst way!


So if anyone knows where I can find this baby, or if you have it and would possibly like to swap with me for it, I would LOVE to hear from you! Please send me an email at Until then, the search continues. . . . .

PIXIE - I totally blame you for hooking me on Ebay!!


  1. You always want to add the shiny top coat to mattes, but you're slowly creeping over to liking them the way they are :) Love the yellow, and I'll watch for the Essie for you.

  2. I've just looked on and it's not on there but I'll check it for you as well to see if one ends up here.

    Want me to speak to my polish importer friend to see if she can get it? She's the one I get all my rare OPIs from.

  3. I just sent you an email, but thought others might be interested as well. has the Essie listed for $7.00 and there are several listed on the MUA swap board. Can't wait to see the swatch when you get it :)

    Oh yeah, I just ordered the yellow Orly from eBay ;)

  4. Devil's candy, Brooke! Devil's candy!

  5. Brooke, if you can't find it, this is an easy franken! I'll take care of it for ya. I'll also keep an eye out in Japan for it, but Essie is like $15 here.

  6. I can't wait for you to do a mani using the buttery shade! <3

  7. Wow and I'm on a no buy! I have to break it though! I have to atleast have one or two or three..... mattes in my collection right? and This Is actually affordable! lol! I'm just kidding ...I'll wait a day or two he he!

  8. I love the matte ones and you have to swatch them for us! I'd like to get on Ebay too, but it's too big for me. :P

  9. Cute mattes and I'm on a supposed no buy! Ayiii!

  10. MARY - lol, - nope! I gotta have my top coat, but the yellow and white did sound interesting! lol Ok, maybe you are right, but just a TINY bit, like Dinky size!

    HELEN - Thanks for the offer! I will let you know, thanks!

    LOLA - lol!! Did I cause you to have to get that yellow one?? Thanks again for the info.

    NIXXY - So true, so true!

    GLITTER - Thanks!! I might hit ya up for that franken!

    ANGIE - As soon as it gets here I plan on trying it out!

    KITTY - It really isn't a bad price at all, I don't even think Sallys sells Orlys that cheap!

    ALEXLYNDRA - I will do swatches as soon as I get my polishes in hand!

    CLOCKWORK - Awww, the no-buy - I remember when I was on one of those...

  11. Hey Brooke-
    I have a dusty nearby that sells several of the Orly Satin Hues.
    One of the colors she has plenty of is a purple, but a much deeper and darker purple than the one you have.

    If I remember correctly, there was a greenish-blue duochrome and pinkish-purple duochrome and some others that she had tons of, others, only a couple.

    I will be doing a post on the ones I bought next week, so you can let me know if you like any of them.

    (Otherwise, she *might* let me take some pics of the ones I don't have...) Send me an email and we can discuss it further, if you're interested...=]

    I'll try to include a pic here, but I don't know if it will work.



    <3 wixbetty

  12. WIXBETTY - I couldn't find an email for you, so I left a comment about it on your blog with my email address! :) Thanks!

  13. I just went to ebay and purchased two of the Orly Satin Hues I cant find any Matte nail polishes anywhere so thanks for the Ebay tip, by the way I got society & panache! Thanks Again!!! :)

  14. Brooke how did you find the person on flicker? I love all the photos. Now I have to check out Ebay. I've never really looked around there much. Never bought anything either. I just read stories about people selling fake Mac products and being ripped off. So I imagine there must be someone who is honest.

  15. I bought Orlys "Matte Top" a few weeks ago, it makes any manicure matte.

  16. Hi Brooke,
    Nice Haul! I actually have both these colors that I purchased ages ago. The white is a little more pearly than I'd like, but a great alternative to the matte.

    The Darker satin hues are the bomb! I'd truley wish they'd bring those back. Dusty's also has some dc Orly Satin Hues if you have one close. :)
