Thursday, April 30, 2009


Hello lovely readers! I know, I know - the last few days I have done over kill on the new SH Insta-Dri neons I came across. But I have one last post about them.

Yesterday after trying out the last of the five colors I got, I noticed how opaque ALL of the polishes were. Since they were so opaque I thought they might make great polishes to use for the Konad. What can I say - I WAS RIGHT! lol :) These worked SO WELL for the konad, I am super impressed.

These were stamped over a nude colored, glitter filled NYX.

These were stamped over SH - Black Pearl Chrome.
Do you ladies believe me now? Run go get these!


  1. Uau..amazing job!! I love the silver! How can i get the neon colors insta dri???


  2. BROOKLYNSHOEBABE - I haven't tried or seen the Sinful ones, but I heard a couple of not so good reviews on them. I would get the SH neons, these are so much more versitile, worth the extra money.

    DOCE E BELA - I got mine from Walgreens. If you are out of the US though, I'm not really for sure where you can buy Sally Hansens. I didn't find anything on these new neons on their website yet.

  3. That is my favorite image plate!! Guess I'm gonna go to Walgreens...I can't resist a neon Last Unicorn.

  4. I'm going to be on a serious alert to find these babies! lmao. I'm not even lying. =D

  5. My wal-greens does not have these yet...ugh! I'll have to check the walgreens in a neighboring town! These are such cute plates! These polishes do look good for konading!! Your son is so cute! Congrats!

  6. Great they're working so nicely for Konading!

  7. i saw these at CVS girls!!!!

  8. RACHEL - That Unicorn is so out of place with the rest of the stuff on this plate, it cracks me up. I can see this plate being one of my faves.

    RAI - Getcha Walgreens on then girl!! Let me know if you find them :)

    VELVET - I went to two other Walgreens and they didn't have them yet. I don't know what Walgreens deal is.

    VANESSA - I know. I was really excited about having some bright colors to konad with.

    ANON - Thanks for the info :)

  9. Wow, this is so gorgeous! Nice for konading. So neon~ I hope I can get my hands on a stamping set soon. :)

  10. I saw the SH nail polishes 2 days ago.. now I wanna get them.. so nice & bright!

  11. CHRISSY - I hope you do too! They are so much fun to use!

    SAIMESE - Oh, you should have grabbed those puppies up! lol You better run back and get them quick!
