Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Last night I wasn't feeling doing my nails, so I just painted them. I know, shocker, plain nails on me. Raspberry Festival is from China Glaze's Summer Days collection. I'm sure you have all seen this color, and I can't tell you anything about this color that hasn't already been said....so on to the pics.

Inside w/ Flash

In your face Pixie!!!!

Inside, no flash.

Outside, full sun.

Outside, in full shade.

I must say my application was almost flawless!! I also squared off some of my rounded nails too.


  1. I actually really like this red.
    Super cute! Must try some China Glaze.

  2. Love this color ! Beautiful on your nails ^^

  3. Your nails are looking really good. Love the shape!

  4. BTW, I ignored the thumb comment/pic because it was so small I didn't think it was a thumb... more like a pinky. Muahaha. <3

  5. RAI - OMG!!! You have not tried China Glaze before??? It is like only my fav nail polish brand in the whole wide world!! Yes, you must get you some China Glaze - STAT!!

    CELINE - Thanks!! I just checked out your blog today! I wanted to leave a comment, but wasn't for sure if you understood english or not, now that I know I will leave you some comments! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. PIXIE - Thanks!! I think the square shape makes them look longer :)
    Girl please!! You know your thumb ran and hid once you scrolled down to the thumb pic :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Rai--SERIOUSLY?! I freakin' LOVE China Glaze; it's one of my favorites! (...if not the most favorite.)

    I LOVE THIS COLOR! I'm not a huge fan of red but this color is HOT! It's not a plain red shimmer, it's pink-red with glass flecks...definitely something special. Actually, I love that whole collection!

  9. I'm starting to luv the 'glass-flecked-shimmer, almost as much as prismatic and holographic nail polish....

    Besides CG what other nail polish Co's make this?

  10. Ooow I love this red! I've never seen China Glaze over here in shops. I think I'm going to have to do some online scouting!

  11. Yes, I've never tried China Glaze! lol I've eyed it a few times.

  12. It looks like your nail ar made of raspberries. ;) It's beautiful!

  13. THE ASIAN GIRL - I was a little disapointed with the purple one, i wish it was a darker purple, but other than that the collection rocks!

    DEEZ NAILZ - I'm sorry, but this is the only collection that I know of that has the glass flecked shimmer to it. I think i have heard of a couple of others, but they were all discontinued, that's one of the reasons this collection was so wanted.

    VIOLET - You must get some china glaze!! I prefer it over OPI. I love this brand!

    RAI - Stop eyeing it and pick it up silly rabbit!

    ALEXLYNDRA - LOL< thanks!

  14. Just beautiful! I love all of the collection. I have it all thanks to Mary at Body and Soul!

  15. Love the Summer Days collection. I bought the whole thing because the shimmer is awesome. So far I've only tried the orange, raspberry and strawberry polish. Looking at the brush out of the bottle I thought they were going to go on kind of sheer but they totally surprised me with the coverage. I've got the raspberry on my toes this week....had orange marmalade last week. Watermelon rind is up next. I hope CG makes more like this!

  16. LUCY - Oh that's right, you did win that didn't you!! Glad you are liking them.

    PENNY - Can't wait to see your pics.
