Monday, April 27, 2009


Good morning dear readers :) I realized that I went off and forgot my camera today! oops! I think I might have one NOTD saved that I haven't shown you, so I will see if I can get pics up of that today.

Other than that, hope you all had a great weekend! I will get to all comments and emails today (at some point!) and I gotta get caught up with all my fave nail blogs too! I had a busy weekend for the most part and ended up hurting my back, so Sunday was spent laying on the couch trying to get my back healed. So far today though, it feels about the same. I have been trying to come up with creative ideas to keep from having to get up out of my chair, lol!

Hope everyone had a great Monday! :)


  1. I'm sorry about your back, hope it heals quickly. In the meantime, stay on the couch relaxing, have Rico bring you come bon-bons and then just do your nails from a semi-reclining position :)

  2. CLOCKWORK - Thanks! Me too!

    MARY - Hey!! Thats a good idea, I will bring that to his attn as soon as I get home today!

  3. Aw man! I hope you feel better soon :)

  4. Hope your back feels better soon, Brooke! My cousin had to be brought to the hospital yesterday because of hers, but she's fine. Take care of your back! :)

  5. Yes...I hope your back feels better very soon!! Will talk to you soon!

  6. So sorry to hear about you back. I know your pain. Take care.

  7. Take it easy, hope you get better soon!
