Thursday, April 9, 2009


Two handfuls of yummy Crab, that's what!! For last nights mani, I wanted to do something kind of cute, and use one of my images on my konad plate that I normally wouldn't. As soon as I saw this little crab, waving his yummy, delicious claw at me, I knew I needed to eat.....err I mean use him.

I thought this is a perfect summertime mani, with the red, white and blue that I chose to use, don't you think? I had originally thought about doing a white base with blue french tips and the crab stamp. I didn't know if there would be enough room for a french tip since my nails are so short and the crab stamp is kind of big. If I would have had my longer, fake nails on, I sooooo would have done a blue french tip, it would have looked like a pool of water, don't ya think?

Here is what I did and used:

For the base I used China Glaze - White on White. Next I used Konad plate # M57 fishnet pattern and stamped it using China Glaze - Frostbite. Then using Konad SP in red and Fauxnad plate # K05, I stamped the little crabs on. I found it funny that it didn't even dawn on me until late this morning that it looked like crabs caught in a net! LOL, I was just trying to think of a way to add some blue into the design, but it totally worked out in the end!

This looks cute all on it's own, I think!

MMMMMMMM!! Two of my favorite things!! Hot crab and Cold Dr. Pepper!

That's a bunny tail!

Look at my shirt! I'm all nautical today!


  1. BROOKLYNSHOEBABE - That would be a GREAT Mother's Day present! You should ask him for one! You can see they are lots of fun to play with, and they totally dress up plain nail polish. I always feel like my nails are bored without any konading on them :)

  2. made me laugh with this post :-)....and this design is one of the the cutest and funniest design I have ever

  3. TULI - Glad I brought a smile to your face today! Thank you, I wanted something cute for my nails today :)

  4. lol this reminds me of the neanderthal Mr. Krabs of Spongebob fame, totally adorable.

  5. Tihi! Look at him smiling at me! *pet*

  6. Totally cute! Great idea with the 'net' and the lobster, never would have thought of that. Good to know that frostbite works well with konad :)

  7. Ahahahaha! You're making me want to do my nails like this next time I make sea cake XD

  8. Totally cute! Your nails are looking great :)

  9. I think on the real Konad plates that little guy makes an appearance on one of the zodiac plates ... I know this because I am a cancer & it's always kind of irritated me that most other astrological signs are way cooler than a freaking crab. But this crab is pretty darn cute =)

  10. How cute! I could totaly see this mani on a beach vacation. Seafood restuarant, crab shack, yummy yummy! Really neat with the fishnet design. I do like it on it's own also.

  11. That is too sweet! It made me think of Mr.Crabs on Spongebob! That's a compliment...I love spongebob and mr.crabs!

  12. CLOCKWORK - LOL! I cna't believe I didn't think of Mr. Krabs!! My son is 6 - so you know I have seen every episode at least twice!!

    KAJSA - LOL! Watch those fingers around his claws!

    NESSA - Yes, Frostbite worked really good! Of course I did it on a white base, so that might have helped it show up too.

    VIOLET - lol - yup! You need some matching sea creature nails! :)

    MARY - Thank you for noticing! I really think my Barielle treatments, and the fact that I have been using them DAILY is making a dif.

    COLETTE - Oh, is he? I didn't pay much attn to the astro. plates, lol!

    LUCY - Now if I could just get that beach as easily as I got these nails....! I can't remember the last time I was at the beach, I think I was in my middle teens, and I'm 31 now, so it has been a long time! No beaches here in Oklahoma, just lakes.

    VEVLET - leave it to another mother to spot the mr. krabs comparison, lol!

  13. The crab is absolutely ADORABLE! Love it

  14. That's totally cute! The crab is adorable. :D

  15. Ah, so funny and good looking :-) I have to order this Konad-plate to myself, my horoscope sign is also cancer.

  16. Aw, that is too cute for words! Very Spongebob :)

  17. What a cutie!! Great nautical theme today :) My sign is cancer as well; I need to get it to (if I'll ever learn this Konading.. ;))

  18. KAE - Thank you!!

    ALEXLYNDRA - Thank you so much :)

    AMABILE - lol, it is kind of a funny one :)

    NIXXY - I can't believe how many people thought of spongebob and it never even occured to me!

    VANESSA - You gotta practice!! Once you get the hang of it, it is addicting! Plain np looks so boring with out a stamp on it :)

    OLIVIA C. - Thanks :)

  19. That reminds me of that mermaid Disney movie. Lovely :)

  20. Brooke- That crab is just too cute. You should stick little mini wiggly-eyes on him! Maybe only on one nail on each hand, but he is just begging for wiggly eyes!

    I gotta get a Fauxnad now.....

  21. PIXIE - Oh yes, the little mermaid!! I loved that movie!! The crab was named sebastian!

    GLITTER - I think some were saying this same crab was on some of the regular konad plates! lmao - I never thought of wiggle eyes!! How cute would that have been!!

    RAI - Thanks :)
