Monday, April 6, 2009


I was so lazy this weekend! I usually am up at 8:30, but Sunday I slept in until almost noon! Can you believe it??? Then I went back to sleep at around 2 and didn't get up until after 5!! I was supposed to do my sister's nail this weekend, and I obviously didn't have time do it by the time I got up and around.

I don't really have any nail pics for you today either since I didn't really do anything nail related this weekend. I did do my Barielle treatments (I'm so proud of myself) and I repainted my nails, so I might put up some pics of that, but that's it. This is the third day for the color I painted on my nails, if that tells you anything!

Dinky ate a grape this weekend and it was pretty funny! I wish I would have taken some pics to show you guys. She would get the grape and kinda squish it a little and then start licking it to get all the juice she squished out. She worked on this grape for a good thirty minutes Sat. night. I told my mom that we live an exciting life, Sat. night and we are watching a dog eat a grape and being entertained by it!

I also finished my Ranch Rush too, I still have the Expert mode left to go though, I just didn't feel like playing it on Sunday, since that is what I spent most of Sat. doing.

I think I have mentioned before that I like to cook. I like watching tv shows on cooking or food related stuff. I love to watch the show Man VS Food on the travel channel. Do any of you watch this show? This guy basically goes to a city and hits up all the great restaurants in town and eats the food and interacts with the customers there. He usually goes into the kitchen and is shown how a few of the dishes are made too. What a great job that is!! Then the last part of the show he will take on a food challenge at one of the local restaurants. The challenges usually are eating an enormous amount of food or something really, really hot and spicy. Anyway, last night he was in Minneapolis where he ate a hamburger called a "jucy lucy". Take a look at this thing:

The Jucy Lucy is a hamburger with a molten, cheese center! How good does that look? I am going to attempt to create some of these for dinner tonight.

So how was your weekend?


  1. LOL @ Dinky. hahahaha.

    I agree, minus the cooking part. I love watching Food Network and the Travel Channel... and even the History Channel. =D
    Diners, Drive-ins and Dives is my favorite, ever caught it?

    BUT OMG! I was watching that for a moment, that one burger was HUUUUUUGE! But that kinda looks tasty. Now I'm hungry. =/

  2. RAI - I watch Diners, .... too! Most of the food he shows leaves me sooo hungry! lol

  3. HAhahaha, Brooke! You're Saturday night sounds like mine! We sit around, I do my nails and watch my bf play video games!!
    I love Man vs Food and all shows related like that (Diners, Dives, and Drive-Ins)! My bf wants to find a place by us that sells the biggest burger around, just so he can say he ate it! And I have looked for this place with no success :( Red Robin has a pretty big burger that he tried, but he figured out that it seems to loose its taste the bigger the burgers get. That molten burger looks awesome, though! I'll have to mention it to him.

  4. Those shows are the best to watch when you're hungry! lol Until it hits you that you want to try all of it... that's the hard part.

  5. hello! been enjoying your blog for quite a while! such a great artist you are on such a small canvas!

    i don't want to rain on your parade, but grapes are dangerous for dogs and i know you wouldn't want anything to happen to dinky! eating grapes can cause kidney damage in dogs and cats... not sure at what amount, but since dinky is tiny, he'll have to find another fruit to love...

    just want the both of you to be happy and safe!

  6. Have tried something similar with turkey and veggie burgers. Very yum!

  7. NESSA - Such exciting lives we bloggers live :) I always thought some of the bigger food doesn;t look like it would taste really good! Until I watched this show I wasn't aware that so many places had food eating contests! You might check out the travel channel's website, they might have a list of rest. that have food eating contests, there might be one around your area listed.

    RAI - I know!! The food always looks sooooo yummy!

    JANA - Thanks for the info!! I had no idea that grapes were bad for dogs! I appreciate the info! Don't feel as though you rained on my parade, I appreicate my readers comments, so thank you :)

  8. Lol...! We used to have a dog. We'd put pony tail holders on his tail and watch him spin around and try to catch it! Talk about the laughs we had. At the expense of poor! Our Sunday was very lazy! Entire household vegged on computers,tv or!

  9. I LOVE Man Vs. Food! I'm also a fan of Andrew Zimmern and Anthony Bourdain. Alton Brown is my hero, lol. I really want to reach through my screen and grab that Jucy Lucy!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Oh Lord that burger definitely has my name on that! I watch Diners and that show makes me so hungry. I also watch Anthony Bourdain. I love his show. Food eating contests gag me. Especially when they dip hot dog and bun in water. Ugh!

  12. Molten cheese center LOL!
    It looks tasty :-)

  13. I was the recipient of Brookes Juicy Lucy and I can tell you it was delicious! I couldn't finish it. My brother was here visiting from Wichita so she made him one too. he loved it and ate it all.

  14. VELVET - lol! I bet that was pretty funny to watch!

    THE ASIAN GIRL - I like all the shows you mention, but I have only caught the Anthony B. one a couple of times.

    LUCY - I agree on the soggy hot dog buns. My grandpa used to dip his bread in his milk and it would gross me and my sisters out - he got such a kick out of doing that!

    AMANDA - IT was!!!!!

    MOM - Glad you liked it! I think mine needed more cheese though!
