Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I am sooooooo very proud of my BF, he has been smoke free going on 3 weeks now! I couldn't be happier for him. I am so glad he finally made the decision (and stuck with it) to quit smoking!


He definitely looks like he is up to something here. . . . . .

My BF and none other than Miss Getcha Nails Did!

Look at Dink perched up there on his arm, lol!

lol, her expression cracks me up here for some reason!

ooooooooooooooooof course this totally negates my GREAT retort I had planned for when I got those "looks" when he sees new nail polish. I was GOING to use the argument that he spends more on cigarettes than I do on nail polish and at least I have something to show for it, lol! Guess that excuse went up in smoke now (hehehehe, I couldn't resist!)

Which that got me thinking......with all the money he is saving on cigarettes, maybe he can buy me my dream ring:

or my Dream Car:

Picture source

Black Range Rover w/ black rims
aren't those hot pink accents on the rims to die for?? well they are for me anyway :)

What is your dream car????


    Smoking is really gross, good for him! =D haha @ that first picture.
    He does looks up to something or like "why arey ou taking a pic of me?" face.

    HEY IT'S YOU! My first time seeing your face. You're super pretty!!

    Dinky looks like she's modeling. ha

    WOW @ THAT CAR! I like the pink.
    But I don't like Range Rovers much.

  2. I used to want a porsche when I was younger. I have no clue now.
    I know not a single thing about cars! lol

  3. RAI - I know!! I'm soooo glad he finally quit!
    I figured I would stick my mug on here incase anyone was interested in seeing the face behind the nails :)
    All I know about cars if what they look like - lol!! The rest of that car business is boy work!

  4. Good for him! I like that first pic of! Why your soooo cute,Miss B! My dream vehicle would be a Cadillac! Not asking for much,huh?!

  5. Good on him for quitting, that's an accomplishment and a half! You are wicked pretty,btw :)

  6. Congrats to both of you! My man used to smoke cherry cigars a lot but I'm severely asthmatic so he's not allowed to do it unless it's a special occasion now.

    Holy bageebus that's a gigantic diamond! I want one! Once you convince your man to get one, make him convince my man too XD

    Btw, koni pics on my blog in like 20min!

  7. Congrats to him! He must smell so much better now :) Tobacco is yucky.
    LOL the rims on the car! Personally I've always wanted something sleek dark and sexy (like my men!) maybe a Jag or something. I think it comes from watching too much "Knight Rider" as a kid :)

  8. Grats to your BF. That is so awesome!

    I think my favorite car would be one of those Chrystlers that look like an old gangster cars. Those are the bomb.

    We have a Volkswagen though which is ok.

    P.S. That is a pretty ring. BF and I are going to go look at wedding rings this Saturday.

  9. VELVET - OOOOOH! I like those too! I would take one in that opal white color!

    CLOCKWORK - Thank you! And yes, I am very proud of him for quitting :)

    VIOLET - Can you imagine getting hit by someone with that size ring on!! sure, I send him your way as soon as I get my ring - don't hold your breath on that though! I will be straight over to check out those pics soon!

    NIXXY - Sleek dar and sexy, eh! I imagine a dark bmw when you say that. Then all you would need are some hot pink rims to throw on that bad boy and you would be set :)

    PIXIE - Are you talking about the PT Cruisers?

    Congrats on the wedding ring shopping! I forgot that you are doing a secret wedding!!

  10. Your a gorgeous lady Brooke and you make a handsome couple. Who wouldn't want that ring! Congrats on being smoke free to the BF. I can imagine it must be very hard to do. I would like a purple Mercedes with a hot pink interior. Nothing very flashy!

  11. Congrats to him! That is a very wonderful thing he is doing. You're very pretty btw!

  12. LUCY - Thank you! LMAO - nope, not to flashy at all!

    ITZZZKIMMM - Thank you! I'm pretty proud of him too, i know it is hard for him.

  13. Congrats, Brooke! You 2 are going to save sooo much $! Love the ring! That car is strange...but totally cute!!

  14. What a great job he's doing! Good for him :)
    And; you are such a beautiful woman, miss B!!
    I wouldn't mind that ring, or the car for that matter. However, Nixxy's comment cracked me up; as I used to watch Knight Rider all the time growing up as well...:D

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