Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Seems like FOREVER since I last did a post, huh!! I was really busy yesterday and didn't get a chance to post. Since I am the only one in the office now, Monday's are my busy day, so some Monday's you might not hear from me :) I'm dying to catch up with everyone's blog from the weekend and yesterday!!

I will have a couple of post's for you all today, I did my sister's nails and my mom's nails over the weekend, so I will have pics of those up today. Plus I have a couple pics of my own nails for you all today too. And for those interested, the Cowboy konad plate was used and will be shown in the pics I have!

Just wanted to check in with you all and let you know I'm still here, just a little busy on Mondays :)


  1. I missed you!! lol
    Can't wait to see the posts.

  2. Brooke, we've missed you! I was starting to get worried :) Looking forward to your pics and posts and of course, Ms. Dinky.

  3. I keep checking on you and you weren't there! Missed you and Dinky. Looking forward to seeing that cowboy plate,yee haw!

  4. Yay, Brooke's back! I totally missed you! Can't wait for the cowboy plate! Mom's and sis's nails look awesome :)

  5. Awww...I missed you! Glad your back!

  6. WELCOME BACK! I'm still kinda MIA; my stupid camera is having yet another fit. The new Konadicures look great!

  7. Thank you all!! I'm sorry to not address everyone individually, but I am trying to get caught up, but please know I have read and appreciate each and every one of your comments :)
