Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Do you guys remember that was Homeland's slogan?? What does that mean?
Either way they need to change it, I'm thinking something along the lines of:


OMG!!!! I am so freaking giddy over these! Can you believe I found these??? How long have these been sitting on that shelf virtually untouched?

I know, I know, I'm on a no-buy, but how could I let these stay for some unknowing soul to snatch up?
I couldn't,
so I didn't,
I got them all!
(((Insert me, laughing maniacally, with hands FULL of Nail Prisms)))
Take a look-see:

Enlarge pic to see the names. Do you all remember my SWATCHES of Ruby Diamond?

Enlarge pic to see the names.

Can you believe my good fortune?? AND (yes there is more) not only did they have SH Nail Prisms, they have the SH OPALS!! I didn't check to see if they were the Star of Fire) I didn't pick any of these up because I wanted to get all the Prisms. I wished I would have taken my purse in, because then I could have taken a pic for you all, but alas I was only in there to get hamburger buns.

Can you believe it ladies? Am I the only one sh**ing a brick right now? lol :)

The only bad news was that these were not marked down, they cost me $6.41 each!!!!!! That's like 2 1/2 bottle of china glaze! But I keep telling myself that if these were in their clearance bin then they would have all been long gone by now.

They also had two bottles of a brand called Heaven Nail Polish, have any of you heard about this brand? I had never seen it before, and these were such bright colors, plus they were only $2. so I grabbed them too.

(These are the exact same bottles as Super Star Nail Lacquer)

You should have seen the ladies face when I went to check out. "Boy someone likes nail polish!" And as I tried to explain how rare these were, and that they were discontinued, I glance at her face and the lady standing in line behind me and just close my mouth. I swear to you, they had that look on their face like "oooooooooooook" and not in a good way! lol

What do you all think, should I go back and get some of the Opals???



    Those look nice! But OMG $6! NO WAY! They all look nice though.

    Swatches and designs pleeeease ma'am! =D

  2. Lol!!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one to have this experience with the cashier,ha,ha,ha!!! Only another nail polish lover understands this kind of joy!!

  3. try to get pic 's and names of the opals, I tried some on today, and there all right.... I went back tot he same dollar shop that I got the Nail Prisms at...... I am on a " no buy " too, but I did pick up two more polishes today......

  4. Go get the Opals!!! I would like to see them! But, I love all the other ones you picked up. And, I've never heard of that brand, Heaven. Let us know if it's any good. The colors look interesting.

  5. Spectacular, awesome haul :) All the colors look beautiful, I'm looking forward too seeing them on your nails!

  6. I bought a couple of the Opals at the Dollar Tree, and it wasn't as exciting as I thought they would be. They just looked sort of frosty when I tried them, and I had imagined they would poke my eyes out or something. So, I would say don't bother.

  7. Ummm...are you crazy?! Are you feeling OK!? Yeah you should go back!!
    WHERE did you find these?!
    They are B-A-U-TI-FUL!

  8. BEAUTIFUL! Where did you get them?

  9. Brooke where did you find these beauties? Go back and get the opals. Quickly! Why is it when you are on a no buy that all these lovelies come out to tempt you? It just isn't fair. I don't blame you for buying them. You should have mentioned to the cashier that you write a nail polish blog. I think their mouths would have hit the floor. People just don't get it. Even when I talk to my girlfriend about polish and blogs her eyes start to glaze over. Thank God for your blog and others or I might go mental!

  10. RAI - I know, I think I am having buyers remorse on a couple of these :(

    NIXXY - LOL!

    VELVET - I know what you mean, at least here I'm understood :)

    DEEZ NAILZ - What two polishes did you pick up?

    OLIVIA C - I will for sure let you guys know about the Heaven brand. I found their website, but it was under construction so I couldn't get much info on them from the net.

    VANESSA - Thank you.

    DEE - I think I have one opal, and I am like you I wasn't wowed by them either, that's why I just got the Prisms.

    NESSA - I found them at the grocery store Homeland. I don't know if I will get those, I'm feeling like I over spent on the prisms - $7 a bottle is a little high for me.

    CRLSWEETIE - I got them at the grocery store Homeland.

    LUCY - lol, I think if I told them I did a blog on nail polishes they really would have had that look on their faces like (this poor girl)lol!

  11. I'm totally jealous of you! I really want these prism polishes, they are amazing!

  12. Now that I why I always make up elaborate stories about how the nail polishes I am buying are gifts for like 7 other ladies.

    and yeah... you should probably go back ROFL.

  13. Haha. Oh man, I like Polish Pixie's excuse. ^^

    Brooke, I totally have an opaque white Heaven polish. It only has 1/5 left in the bottle and I have no idea where it came from but I've used it a lot! It's probably time to send it off to zoya polish exchange land, but I'm attached to it. Oh random Heaven polish. I don't know how to quit you.

  14. ALEXLYNDRA - lol, don't be jealous, just come here and look at my goodies :) lol totally not the same thing, is it??

    PIXIE - you story teller you!! I NEVER do that !!! :P

    JEN - lol, great comment :) hmmm, and no one else said they had heard about this polish either. Wonder what is up with this brand. WOnder if they went out of business??

  15. Had a job interview today so decided to browse the market afterwards.Managed to get the nail prisms in garnet lapis for £2 (i live in england) so really pleased about that as it was cheap.They also had hard candy,urban decay,no 7 and other sally hansen nail polises for £2 each.As soon as i get a job i'm going back for more.
