Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I mean I WAS just on that wagon, I just fell off for a second last week and I can't seem to find it any where!! Guess that explains this:

This is my first brush set I bought. I bought these because I just LOVE the handles. However, I need you makeup aficionado's to tell me if these were worth the $20 I paid for them before I open the pkg. up so I can take em back if I need to. I like the look of them, but if they are just going to fall apart on me or something, I would rather take them back - so Vanessa, Pixie, Rai - all you others out there, let me know what you think!!

I'm sure you all have seen these on TV. Well I found them at CVS and I am going to give them a whirl. Do you guys have these? Plus look:

It turns your clothes from black and white to COLOR.....ooooohhh!!!

The lady at the cosmetics counter at Walgreens told me she just put these out not 10 minutes before I waltzed in! These are the new neons from SH Insta-Dri. There were three other colors I didn't pick though. Two were pinks and one was a purple.

Found this at Target, and those two polishes with the glittah caught my eye! If they don't work very well I might have to franken something with them.

Target had these on sale for $1.59 ea, so I scooped a couple up.

I got this one for my mom. She really likes browns and this is sort of a goldish brown, plus it was on clearance........see the sticker!!!

I also got these cute nail stickers. I was sold when I saw the the little puppies

See the puppy ones? Aren't those too cute!!

So like I said, any one see that wagon I was just on???


  1. ahhh! What an amazing haul!!! I had Walgreen's on the list for today to see if there were any new polishes out! Gotta get those Sally's!!!!

  2. I keep meaning to go to target and buy the Sonia Kashuk brush set. I've heard they're really nice brushes for the price, and the handles are so cute! Great haul!

  3. I was eyeing those brushes at target the other day so I'll be curious of what people say. Love those neons!!
    Oh that wagon isn't over here. I picked up a bunch of polishes at target too. Need to find that wagon soon.

  4. I've heard nothing but great things about brushes by Sonia Kashuk. So go ahead and keep them.

    I never seen those at my Target. =[

    I started to get that blue from NYC but picked something else up instead. lol

    Those stickers are so adorable!

  5. LACQUER LAINE - The SH are nice and bright, and the green is sort of a unique color too. I'm excited to try these out.

    REIKO - Thanks! I was hoping these would be good brushes.

    CREATEITCOTTAGE - Dang, you haven't seen the wagon either, huh! lol Looks like the brushes might be good ones :)

    RAI - Yes! I can open them up now! lol Thanks for the info, I knew one of you make up ladies would know! The insta-dri do look right up your alley!

  6. cor that's a brilliant haul, really like the blue and green Insta Drys especially.

  7. Nice haul ! Brushes looks funny ^^
    Really like your mom's sally hansen and neons

  8. My wagon broke down too! Sometimes I wonder if I was ever on one, lol! Because of you, I stopped by Target to see if any Nicoles were on sale, and sure enough, there was Midnight Madness on sale for 3 bucks!

  9. i haven't personally tried sonia kashuk brushes but i heard a lot of rave reviews about these brushes. they're supposed to be good quality for a better price! :)

    oooh, the neon polsihes from sally's look pretty!

  10. I'm still looking for my wagon....lol! Good luck finding your's. You've got some awesome polishes there! I'm digging the neon Sally Insta-dry polishes. I love the stickers. I'm not sure about the brushes. They're totaly cool looking though!

  11. Funny; I can't seem to find my wagon either! Perhaps it's a wagon plot?! Must be... :D
    What an awesome haul; those brushes are supposed to be darn good, or so I've been told. Hope you'll like them!
    Very pretty polishes as well, the neons make me drooool ;)

  12. Thats a pretty nice haul you have there. I am offically jealous! I'v been waiting to try those Inst Dri polishes forever. I'm so busy though! Just wait until this semester is over, lol. I'm counting down the weeks.

  13. Okay Brooke that wagon just zoomed by me. I ordered 8 bottles of BB polish today. Like those brushes, never used Sonia Kushic but I read there great. Good haul, love those stickers and pretty colored polishes.

  14. Well that wagon is heading on to the sunset. I'm glad that I wasn't the only one that fell. :)

  15. GASP. Those...neonsssss. I *WANT* them!! Like...omg!! Lol.

    Nice haul. I can't imagine having so much nailpolish!

    Hope the brush set works for you. I can imagine it would be tough to hold those things though. And store them.

  16. That is a great haul! I can't comment on how good the brushes are as I'm no expert but I also thought the handles look great!

    My wagon has well and truly stalled. My favourite etailer over in the UK has just started stocking Essie and Nubar. AND she managed to track down an OPI Route Beer Float for me as well. My new haul arrives tomorrow and I am already looking for the postman in anticipation!

  17. Screw the wagon.. we have to stimulate the economy :)

  18. I think you need to fit seat-belts to that wagon, Brooke. People keep falling out! :D

  19. CLOCKWORK - I do to! I think they are the perfect colors to do like a "globe" theme mani.

    CELINE - Thanks. I just used the SH on my moms nails last night, I will have pics up today of it.

    THE ASIAN GIRL - I'm always happy to point out a sale! Did you find any other goodies?

    AQUARACER - TY! I knew my makeup ladies would come through for me :)

    VELVET - TY, I'm totally loving those SH neons too. NOthing special about the colors, but they are neon so I had to have them.

    VANESSA - Thanks for the info on the brushes, now if I could just figure out how to use them :) lol

    ADOREPINK - Thanks, I really like the brushes on the insta-dri polishes. I thought they were really funky at first, but they just fit my nails to a "t"!

    LUCY - OMG, 8 BB's???!!! You go girl! And didn't you just get like two other collections from Walgreens! That wagon probably about ran you over, lol!! I need to see your nail polish collection sister!

    ANON - I think that wagon is completly empty from the sounds of it! There isn't a soul left on it :)

    CHRISSY - lol! Valley girl came out in you for a minute, lol. The brushes came with a little bag to store them in.

    HELEN - Can't wiat to see what you got, I will be checking your blog out today :)

    BELLA - Hey! Good point!!

    NIXXY - No way, then I wouldn't have an excuse for falling off silly rabbit!! lol

  20. First of all, I would DIE to get this much polishes in just one day.
    Second of all, I love skulls so my chin dropped when I saw these nail stickers. They are adorable, loveable, awesome, amazing!

  21. The brushes look great, babe. Does this mean you're gonna start hauling makeup? :D
