Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I got the idea to try this the other day when I did the diagonal base colors for a Koni I did. I wondered if I could do a double stamp, on each of the diagonals, with different colors. SO I put it to the test last night.

For the base colors I used China Glaze - a white one and a black one (lol, sorry, forgot to get the names!) I painted two coats of the white, and then painted the black diagonals.

The next step was to take my white and black Konad SP, and use each color on the opposite colors side. The white Konad SP on the black diagonal and vice versa. I chose the leopard full nail image plate. I used the straight edge from the image and lined it up along my diagonal line I painted on my nail.
The results worked like I'd hoped, however, this is just too much going on. Without really looking at my nail, I could not tell that it was done with all the opposites. It just looked like a white and black nail with leopard print. I think this would have worked if I had used different colors than the base colors for both of my stamps, and also if my nails were longer. This is pretty messy, but I just wanted to see if my idea would work. So I will be tweaking this one and hopefully have a really cool koni of the day to show you along these lines!


  1. i loveee it , deff something im guna try.

  2. Oooh I like this one, Brooke.
    I can totally see the difference.

  3. GOR(JESS) - lol, cute name! Thank you!

    RAI - Thanks, in the last pic though, you can tell it is a little hard to distinguish, so I'm going to try with some different colors and stuff, see what the ol' Brookster can come up with!

  4. Wow - are you ever ambitious with your konad-ing! i think it looks really cool.

  5. that design rocks! It reminds me of a dress I had a long time ago...

  6. Dude, that is WICKED! Love it <3

  7. That is so cool! You're a pro at this, Brooke :)

  8. Wow, that looks amazing! I like it even without the stamping!

  9. Cool idea! Ya, I see what you mean about using a differnt color for the print. It still looks good for a first try! You go girl!

  10. DEEZ NAILZ - Thank you! I had the idea in my head and I just had to try it out.

    THE ASIAN GIRL - Thanks! Would have loved to see what the dress looked like :)

    PIXIE - Thanks DOOOOOOD!

    VANESSA - Thanks. Not quite a pro, but well on my way, lol :)

    FAITH - I liked the look to with out the stamping myself. I am thinking I will have to do my nails like that and leave it one day.

    VELVET - Thanks. I will give it another go here soon.

  11. Great first try! I think it would have worked just fine if the pattern wasn't over the center diagonal line (if you had just left that area clear to distinguish). Not that it doesn't look cool just the way it is...

    Can't wait to see what you do with it next!

  12. JAMIE - I never thought about that! I was really trying to make it as close to the line as possible. I will have to try your way out when I try to conquer this one again. Thanks for the idea!

  13. What a cool idea! I love the result but you're right it does loose the effect if you're not up close. Keep trying, it looks fab!

  14. I love the diagonal, how did you get it so perfect?! That Konadicure is making my eyes go crazy! Very neat idea but you do have to be up close. Love it though. You really are fantastic at this.

  15. Wow, this looks really really cool, but maybe it would have worked better if you used different colors for the print?

    I'm amazed at your skill still though. :D

  16. you are soooooooooo awesome! from a distance it's hard to see the hard work, but you killed this one! i love it!!!

  17. I think this looks awesome. If you wanted to show the difference between the design, you might paint a black diagonal stripe between the two patterns to sort of block them off, and then add a couple rhinestones on the stripe. But I'm tacky! ;)

  18. You are becoming the Konad Master! Love the diagonal.

  19. Oh my gosh, this is soooo cool! It's consfusing in a good way. You think you see that the two sides are not the same but you can't figure out what.. Then when you look carefully you see (if you didn't read the text). I like it!

  20. This is awesome! It's like those optical illusions you can see in science magazines "What do you see if you stare still these nails next 5 minutes" ;-)

  21. I love the black and white!!!!!!

  22. Ooh that's a jaw dropper, I like these half tone looks and anytime leopard print comes into play. ^^

  23. That is so creative, looks awesome!

  24. i love it!so funky!!especially the duel colours!!Nice work Brooke!

  25. it's difficult to see the details by far, but what an awesome work! You use Konad very well !

  26. VIOLET - Thank you! It is still a work in progress.

    LUCY - Thank you. I just eyeballed it on the diagonals, it is really easy to do.

    CHRISSY - Thanks, I am hoping to try it again with some different options.

    YUMMY411 - Thank you!

    GLITTER - Those are good ideas! And you know I'm a fan of the tacky - so bring it on!! lol

    MARY - Thank you, so am I!

    ALEXLYNDRA - Thank you. Yes it is a little confusing, but I hope to work out some of the kinks behind this idea soon.

    AMABILE - Haha!! It does!! I didn't even think of that, but you are soo right.

    AMANDA - Thank you :)

    CLOCKWORK - Thanks! Did you break down and get a konad yet??

    RED SMILE - Thanks!! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment :)

    KAE - Thank you sooo much!

    KATIE - Thanks :)

    CELINE - Thanks!
