Monday, March 2, 2009


We all know what a huge fan I am of the BRIGHTS and the GLITTERS, right? I still buy the "bland" colors too, I just don't really expect to like them when I try them on. However, Pure Ice - Taupe Drawer (huh???) is a color that I not only sorta liked in the bottle, but I really liked it on! It was really kind of a strange color, but it looked nice on me. It turned out much darker than I thought it would be for some reason, I think that is why I like it. It is a bland color with a dark kick :) I almost kept it on my nails - that's how much I really liked this color.

Pure Ice can be purchased at Walmart and are fairly cheap nail polish. I think around $2.00. Here are some pics of the color on it's own:

(Sorry for the bad clean up - I was doing this in the middle of bath time and I was a little rushed)

OF course I had to Koni it!


I think this looks "very mature" and something my mom would let me do on her nails. Everything about this screams my mom :)

As a side note I thought I would share with you all a couple pics of my son while I was trying to take pics of my nails last night:

Can you see the little "raisin" fingers in this pic? It was right after his bath and his fingers were shriveled - lol!

I LOVE my son! :)

We also made cupcakes last night - now you see the DIRE need he had for a bath! Can you guess what flavor the cupcakes were?? lol
(Also - can you spot the Dinky in this picture?)


  1. Your son is simply adorable.
    Reminds me of my two little boys.
    Ha, such messy eaters.

  2. Your son is a cutie.

    And I love love dinky! I want my own dinky!

  3. LOL@ your son! he's so cute..

    I Love Taupe Drawer but mine looks a little more beige-y...? maybe it's an old stash or something...but I like it! ^^ can't wait for your giveaway, I don't have Konad or Fauxnad T_T

  4. wow - that's so pretty!
    hehehe dinky ears! Dinky ears!

  5. That is a beautiful color, of course the koni took it to another level. Sadly my Walmart doesn't carry that np brand, surely hope that changes soon.

    Your son is a cutie, love the dark green eyes..and Dinkers is right there behind his right ear..i spy La Dinky!!!

  6. Great mauve color even better with Konad and Nfu-Oh holo!
    I see Dinky!
    Your son is a cutie! Was it chocolate cupcakes?

  7. TO ALL: All of you who said something about my son, I read the comments to him last night, he was grinning ear to ear :) Thanks for making his night with the nice comments

    LADYSOUL - Thanks! yes, very messy eaters!! Dinky the dog hangs around under HIS chair at dinner time waiting on the crumb buffet to start.

    SAVVY - Thanks! Alas - there is but one Dinky and she is all mine mine mine!!

    NANZY - Thank you :) Good luck on the giveaway! Hmmm, I really wonder if they made a mistake on the color since yours is a beige which would explain the "taupe" in the name.

    NIXXY - DING! DING! You spotted the Dinky :)

    OLGA - Your walmart doesnt carry it, that sucks!! Sounds like your nail polish supply is short where you live.

    Thanks for the compliment for my son :) And I KNEW you would spot the DInky :)

    NESSA - You spotted the Dinky too huh! lol, I just noticed her hanging around in the back of the picture after I was uploading them to the blog. And you are right - they were chocolate :)
