Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Good morning/afternoon (or even evening for some of you too I guess). Sorry for the lack of posts from me recently. You know me, I normally would have had about 15 new posts by now :) I was pretty busy all weekend long doing some extra work for my job to make a little extra money. It basically consists of taking a little disk (used for reading depth w/ one of the oil field tools we sell at my job) and sticking it in a little envelope, then you take the envelops and put them in two sets of 25 and rubber band them together. It isn't hard work, and a great way to make some extra money while sitting at home watching tv. However, all that stuffing will put a butt kicking on my nails, nail polish, cuticles and the skin around my fingers. All of those things pretty much negate me doing any mani's since they will be torn up 10 minutes into stuffing.

Then I stayed up a tad to late on Sunday night, and by Monday night when I got home from work I was pretty much beat! I was so excited about the goodies I got from SuperJEN , but when I sat down to start using them I just didn't have any interest in sitting down and doing my nails! Shocker, huh! I didn't want to rush through all of my goodies just to use them, so I decided to wait until I was in a better nail polishing mood (hopefully tonight). Basically I just wanted to get that forrest green franken off of my nails that had been on since Thursday night and the gold Nefertiti off my toes too and just paint them and be done.

We also had some layoffs here at my job, and my girlfriend that worked with me in the office was one of the ones let go. She has been like a second Mom to me and has gone with me to do stuff with my son. She took me and my son to her lake house after a bad break up with my son's father, so that I could get away for the weekend. She has been at almost all of my son's birthday's since he was two and he is Six now! We have gone out on the weekends and met up for drinks. We have done so much together and have just had a wonderful relationship, it was just very sad to see her go. Of course I will still see her, but it is such a drastic change to go from seeing a great friend on almost a daily basis to seeing them every once in a while. We shared an office and spent most of our days laughing with each other, now I am in the office alone :( It has been a little depressing and sad for me. And I know it has taken a little bit of a toll on my enthusiasm for my nail stuff for the time being.

So I am in a bit of a slump now, but life does go on and I will snap out of it soon ladies :) I do have a couple of posts planned for you all today though :) I do want to say thanks to you all for your wonderful comments on my sparce posts! I enjoy reading them all and I do and will respond to each and everyone of them as usual, it's just taking me a little bit longer than usual :)


  1. Sucks about your friend being laid off. Hopefully she'll find a new one. I know what you mean.
    It feels odd going to work not having the usual buddy there to talk to.

    Look forward to your posts once you're in the mood, again. =]

  2. RAI - Thank you maam! I will be back to my old Getcha Nails Did self in no time :)

  3. Aww that sucks, my dear. I know what you mean, I am one of five girls at my job and it would suck to see one of them go, especially b/c we need to band together.
    I also know what you mean about being in a np slump. I buy stuff and get excited about it, but then don't feel like painting those suckers sometimes. Feel better, Brooke!

  4. So sorry Brooke. I really know how that feels. I worked with my best friend for three different jobs. When I had to leave because I got a job with the Post Office I was heart broken. I was working in my dream job [the library] and I had to leave for monetary and benefit reasons. It was so weird. Good friends always find a way to see each other. I pray she finds another job fast.

  5. NESSA - We only had three girls here, so now it's just down to 2. Thanks, I am sure I will be back to my polishing self soon :)

    LUCY - THank you :)

  6. I hope things get better soon :) *hug*

  7. I hope things get better for your friend! I've been in a huge nail polish slump lately; ever since I've been working more hours, it means less time spent on nails. Strangely enough, that doesn't include buying nail polish, just application.

  8. Oh, gawd, don't apologize, Brooke! You're like the queen of posting usualy, so you've got alot of brownie points saved up :)
    Sorry about your friend - that really sucks :(
    Chin up - we're sending good vibes your way...

  9. Thanks ladies - group hug! lol
