Tuesday, March 17, 2009


My older sister just got a new puppy. His name is Crash and he is a Shi Tzu and he is about 9 weeks old. Crash isn't quite the model that Dinky his, she needs to give him a few pointers so that he isn't just starring around blankly - lol! He's a cutie though. (And no, Dinky was having no part of Crash!)

There was also a BIG party at my house last Friday. Me and the BF + our two kids = PARTY! The grown ups were on cold Coors Lights and the kids were all hopped up on sugar! These kids danced for at least an hour and half straight!

You CAN'T tell him he ain't cool jack!

You know the BF had to get up and show the younguns how it's done :)

Hands off this one ladies, he's allllllll mine!!!
I also bought a gingerbread Bunny House for the boys to decorate. Think there is enough candy and icing on that thing?


  1. Your family is so totally cute!

  2. OK, I want that bunny house! I love candy!

    You can keep the man & kids...already have those! LOL!!

    Your sister's puppy is adorable! He looks extra fierce.

  3. Hi Brooke!
    You have a lovely family...love the dance moves! Puppy is adorable, I have a Shih Tzu also, along with 2 German Shepherds. Dinky will warm up to his cousin soon :)

  4. I want a puppy so much! You have a cute family!

  5. What a cute puppy and name, Crash, huh? Does he run into stuff? Is that where the name came from?
    Cute fam and great dance moves!

  6. Such a cute little puppy.
    Your family looks so happy. :]
    That's such a creative idea for a Easter inspired gingerbread house. lol Would never had thought of that.

  7. What a beautiful family you have! And that puppy is just adorable :)

  8. Thanks Ladies for the sweet words!

    The PBG - lmao at your comment :)

  9. Such cute boys! I love the missing teeth smiles. Glad their dancing and hope they keep it up. I remember dances in school where all the boys were hugging the walls. Just a few brave boys out there dancing. I never heard of an Easter gingerbread house. It definitely is adorable. Looked like a fun time.

  10. What a beautiful family! Love it that you can all stay home and have a blast together.

  11. awww....looks like u and ur family had so much fun! :) really cute pics.

    and such a cute dog!! i wish i could keep one but right now, i just don't have the time. so many things to do, so little time...

    speaking of time, what am i doing reading blogs right now??!! ok, time for me to hit the books, have a midterm later, yiiikes! **cram time** =P
