Monday, March 16, 2009


Last week I only had like two crappy pics of my franken Monster Mash. So here are some better pics of this loverly!

I decided to top Monster Mash off with Love My Nails - Crystal. I hadn't tried this top coat before and I wasn't expecting much since it is Love My Nails brand, but it really wasn't bad at all. I got a good tip from Nail Juice (I think) that a good way to get the big, chunky glitters out like this one has, is to dip your brush in and pull it straight out. I did that and it seemed to work pretty good. I really liked how this turned out :)


  1. I love that Monster Mash! Just adding a little sparkle makes it even better.

  2. Nice green jelly! I like it!

  3. LUCY - I totally agree with you, Crystal added just the right amount of sparkle to Monster Mash.

    GLITTER - I'm getting better at my frankening skills:) Plus I just saw that makeup tip you did on your blog. I might do that for my nex franken :)
