Tuesday, March 31, 2009


This is what happens when I have plainly painted nails, a Sally Hansen Nail Art Pen and time on my hands. . . . . . .

How addictive are these pens??!! Very addictive I say. I did that sitting here at my desk at work today. And let me tell you, if you don't put a top coat on over this, it will come right off. I have almost rubbed all those doddle's off!
I think I feel the need to do some nail art tonight ladies!!


  1. Very cute Brooke! I have to get me some of those pens.

  2. How pretty! You're quite an artist ;)
    I will learn the Konading part before getting in to nail pens... :)

  3. Wow, you're talented! Looks great!

  4. Aren't they the best! great job :)

  5. OMG! Cute again!
    I really want to get one, but I just don't know yet.

  6. LUCY - Thanks, you should get at least one, they are so handy.

    VANESSA - Thanks. The pens are actually easier than konad, it just like using a marker on your nails. Plus it is waterbased so any mistakes you can just wipe right off.

    ALEXLYNDRA - Thank you :)

    STEPH - They are! I got the stipped design for the ones you posted on you blog about :)

    RAI - Just go get you one already!! lol

  7. THose are all super cute, Brooke! I may have to pick this up at CVS. I think it's BOGO on SH!

  8. That is just too cute! I have a couple and I really like them, but I forgot the topcoat the first time... :(
    Great job!

  9. NESSA - Go getch some! They really are fun and handy.

    GLITTER - lol, these don't last with out that top coat that's for sure. Thanks :)

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