Monday, March 30, 2009


I didn't forget about the Konad Tutorial Part 2 - however, it has been a super duper busy day at work for me, and I don't think I will have it finished today. If I don't get it up today, it will be up tomorrow, so don't worry :)


  1. It's OK, Brooke, we'll wait. In the meantime I am going to post about my experience with your tutorial help. which helped a lot!

  2. I still have to get one to practice with! You made it look so fun!

  3. No hurry, Brooke! I'm not going anywhere (and I'm posting my weekend Konad tomorrow...).

  4. Hi Brooke,

    Thanks ever so much, we just tried the konad on my little girl yesterday and it's so much fun, it came out very well, I followed your instructions to the last word. Thanks again

  5. NESSA - Can't wait to check it out. I feel so behind on my nail polish blogs! I have lots of catching up to do today :)

    VIOLET - You should just bite the bullet and get you one. Especially as creative as you are, you could do wonders with one :)

    JAMIE - I can't wait to see it!

    MAJJOM - I'm so glad to hear that the tutorial helped you out! I bet your daughter's nails looked sooo cute!
