Friday, March 20, 2009


I have no clue how I got this today!! Especially since I am on a No-Buy until May, which means I have told myself that I am not to buy any nail polish until then. Straaaaaaaaaaange! Weird, huh!? Maybe a nail polish fairy left it on my desk for me, because I certainly wouldn't go against my own word and buy any nail polish until May. Very, very strange indeed!

LMFAO at the name of this polish!! Is that fitting or what!


  1. I'm loving this color and the blue and purple sparkles.
    Please swatch it when you get a chance. lol @ the name. Cuuute!

  2. RAI - This photographed funny because it is really purple glitter with specks of blue glitter, but in the pic it turned all the purple glitter to a blue and the blue glitter to a purple!

  3. U are too cute! How did that get there? U trying to save $? Is that why no buy?

  4. NESSA - Yes I am trying to save money. I mean you all have seen the amount of nail polish I have bought lately!!! The spending got out of control for a minute, so I am trying to reign it back in.

  5. Gosh, this polish is adorable!

  6. Must have been a nail polish fairy who flew by and dropped it off. So far I've stuck to my Lenten promise. I believe I have missed out on Mac's Peppermint Patty. I am sick about that. Anyone know if there is a dupe for it?

  7. I suspect a leprechaun. A drunk leprechaun. A drunk, klepto leprechaun. :)

  8. ALEXLYNDRA - It was glitter, I couldn't say no!

    LUCY - Good for you! I don't know about the dupe for Peppermint Patty. I have seen tons of swatches, but haven't heard anything about dupes for it. I am sure there will be something though.

    BROOKLYN SHOE BABE - By golly!!! I think you are right! Mystery solved. :)

    NIXXY - Uh oh! The mystery might be dubunked! Whoever it was, I hope they leave me some more!
