Thursday, February 5, 2009


Just thought I would post some pictures of where I do my nail stuff, in case any of you all are nosey like me and wonder about these things.
(See that blue blanket looking thing on the couch? That is a Snuggie, have you see those on tv? Well I got one and me and Dinky LOVE to cuddle under it and watch tv)

This is a new coffee table and it is pretty cool, because it is a lift top. That whole top part lifts up and is like a perfect height table for sitting on the couch and doing nails while watching tv. And then you can just push it back down and it looks just like a regular table.

Where do you guys do your nail stuff? Do you have a special room dedicated to nail stuff? I would love to hear what all of your setups are :)


  1. WOW!! That is the coolest coffee table I have ever seen!!! Where did you get it from?? It is the perfect height for painting nails, but what else could you use it for? I guess just a table?
    Anyways...I psint my nails at my kitchen table or if I am lucky enough and no one is around, I sit on the floor and use the coffee table.
    I totally want a Snuggie, but the BF makes fun of me for it. I have to drag my cover off of my bed when I am cold and I am always cold!!

  2. NESSA - It is the perfect height for using my laptop, or for eating, so you dont have to lean way over, you just pop the top up. Its totally cool, I'm loving it so much!

    I got it from a furniture store here in Oklahoma. They had several, so I am sure that you get one at a furniture store near you.

    You know they sell those Snuggies at Walgreens, right? SO you don't have to order them from the tv add. Plus it was only $14.99 - and you get a free book light too.

  3. I have a home office, so I paint my nails at my desk. Only when I am not supposed to be working, of course! The lighting is the best, in my office.

  4. Your table is so cool!! and your room is very colourful, I like it!!

  5. I have two desks; one does double duty as my nail desk and shoe storage. I have an OPI train case that stores my implements, nail oil, etc. plus 36 polishes; 4 plastic shoebox-sized storage boxes (with a 5th needed) and a metal nail polish rack from an old Color Workshop set. The HandsDown pads are stored in a drawer with Q-tips and a gallon of nail polish remover in a cabinet nearby. I don't really use that desk to do my nails; I pick up what I need from that desk and do it in front of my computer desk; I need entertainment while my polish dries :P

  6. I wanted a Snuggie for Christmas & my mom just laughed at me ... I did get a really nice soft snuggly blanket but it's not the same.

    I paint my nails at my desk usually, or sometimes the dining room table. I've considered taking a pic to post up, and then I realize it's way to messy to show to the world lol. I'm trying to get it under control, filing paperwork & etc, but there's still a way to go.

  7. I LOVE the table too!!! I'm usually doing my nails while I'm sitting on the couch watching T.V. and using my laptop as a table. I'm glad you love your Snuggie, I really like mine too:-)

  8. I've seen those coffee tables - love it! I bet that is just perfect for lots of things. Looks like a comfy place to do nails.

    I do my nails in my puffy chair in front of the TV, with a lap desk to balance my implements and such on. I'll take a picture for my blog this week - thanks for the idea!

  9. DEE - I wish I had an extra room, I would have a whole "salon" set up!

    MITSUE - Thank You!

    THE ASIAN GIRL - Sounds like you got it all set up! I agree, I need entertainment going while I am doing my nails too.

    COLETTE - Get down to Walgreens and get you a snuggie! lol

    After you get it clean up, you should totally take a pic. I'm nosey! I wanna see everyone's nail set up!

    JJ - Thanks! Glad to hear there is another fellow snuggie owner in the house :)

    JAMIE - OH GOOD! I can't wait till yoru next post! I love seeing other people's set ups! The table is pretty awesome!

  10. Hi Brooke!

    I have the same type of table. I love it. I also do my nails there. It's right in front of a big screen TV and I love them both. I eat there also because it is the perfect height.

  11. LUCY - Oh, cool! I know, as soon as I saw this table at the furniture store, I was like this is the one! I didn't need to see any more.

  12. Well i have two small cabinets for my stash of np and assorted np related tools.

    Most of the time i'll do my nails while sitting in bed, i'd rather do then while standing at the kitchen (better height) but then my brother starts the bitching about his ashtma and "those fumes".

    You'd think i'm painting a car the way he carries on. I really need Dinky to come and bite his wimpy butt. LOL!

  13. OLGA - What is with men and the smell of nail polish? They are such babies, and you know when they work out in the garage and stuff , the mess with stinky stuff - does that bother them, no! But little ol' nail polish really ruins their day- babies! lol I should send Dinky your way, she is one mean toe biter!

  14. I always do it in dining. Like to show off my nail care to people. I also love doing it when i am on travel.

  15. BEAUTY AND CARE - Sometimes I do mine in the dining room too, if I need lots of room to spread out :)

    Thanks for commenting :)
