Friday, February 27, 2009


Indian Ocean is one of my favorite China Glazes of all time! Hot Apple was another one of my favorites. I literally went through the whole bottle of Hot Apple, don't think I have ever done that with any other nail polish - ever!

I used Indian Ocean last night for the base of a konadicure that is gonna make you feel warm and fuzzy in places you forgot you had - it's that hot (pics of that posted later). I love this color so much that I decided to do a post all of it's own on here. This is a really dark, dark blue, but it has sort of a purplish hue to it. The purple is very subtle, but it is there. I hate the word "blurple" so I'm NOT going to use it to describe this color.

I even took a pic of the back of the bottle to prove how old it is. Most of the BeautyCo sticker is gone (Beauty Co was HUGE here in Oklahoma, bigger than Sally's), but you can see where it starts off with $3! Now when is the last time you saw a China Glaze for $3 regular price (no discount or sale) in a store??? I'm 31 now and I am pretty sure I got this when I was around 18-20 yrs old.
BTW - I got on ebay and did a search for this little baby, it is going for $8.99 & $9.99. All these memories made me order another bottle since this one is almost gone! (I also got me a Hot Apple while I was at it :), I know I said I was gonna cut back on buying nail polish, but these have an emotional bond with me, so that makes them immune to my "no buy" proclamation!!)

So have any of you ever gone through a whole bottle of nail polish?
And if so, what color/brand was it?


  1. Well i don't think i've gone through a whole bottle ever. I'm "seasonal" with my nails, i go through long periods where i use np and long periods (couple of months) where i go "nekkid"

    But since i've discovered Seche Vitte i haven't had a long "nekkid" period, painting my nails is so much fun now that it doesn't mean waiting around for the np to dry.

  2. I really don't think that I have ever gone through a whole bottle of nail polish! If I did though it would be Sally Hansen Nail Prisms Blush Diamond. I love that one and have loved it since HS!
    This is a great color, I love it!

  3. Never used a whole bottle. There are too many pretty colors to use.

  4. I LOVED Beauty-Co! We even had one in Ada and I spent hours in there....

  5. OLGA - Seche really gave the nail polish companies revenue a boost I think. Girls are doing their nails how many more times a week thanks to that product?

    NESSA - Well it was my go to color and I painted my nails with it all the time (obviously).

    LUCY - Definatly hard to do, I don't think I could do it now with all the nail polish I have accumulated.

    SASHA - I know!! Beauty Co was my store I used to never go to Sally's. They were always so small compared to Beauty Co. Obviously Beauty Co was with the times because they were selling china glaze YEARS ago and Sally's just started selling them this year.

  6. I'm halfway through a bottle of Chanel Antilope and Jessica Cabernet Creme. Both of my sisters finished both of my bottles of Chanel Vamp (US version) and Black Satin (with permission, of course). The only other one near the halfway mark is Chanel Kaleidoscope, a color I am dreading to buy a back-up for.

  7. THE ASIAN GIRL - DANG!!! YOu go through them 'spensive ones don't you?

  8. I have yet to ever go through a bottle of polish, but I'm sure I will within the next few years. I do my nails a lot more now than ever before.

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