Monday, February 9, 2009


Oh how I wish I could accurately capture this nail polish on film to share with you all! This is just your standard gold glittah nail polish until you pick it up to look at it - and then whoa! NYX has added some other glitter, and I am not even for sure what color it is exactly. I think it could be holo, but then it looks purple and sometimes blue. YOU REALLY MUST ENLARGE THESE PICS ! I beg of you to enlarge them so you can see the cool, weird colored glitter! The best way i can describe what this polish looks like, is when you are about to pass out and you see those weird little flashes and flickers of light, that's what this looks like. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me at first, but no! It is this cool glitter in the polish.
I really would love for you to enlarge these pics and tell me what you think. OR, if you already own this polish and can think of a better way to describe this, please tell me!
SIDE NOTE: NIXXY, if you do place a NYX order I am telling you, get this color! NP 62 Gold Sparkle :)


  1. I like your description: 'when you are about to pass out and you see those weird little flashes and flickers of light, that's what this looks like.'
    I know what you mean, though. Very pretty, interesting glitter!

  2. NESSA - Thanks! I was hoping I was explaining it in a way for people to understand :)
    Do you own this polish?

  3. Brooke you are a riot! I've never passed out but I did enlarge the pictures. I don't own any of this brand. I may order some in the future.

  4. LUCY - Well now you know what it looks like to pass out - gold sparkle! :)
    These are really nice polishes and at only $2.99 each - get outta here! Go getcha some! Hopefully I will get some posts of these colors up really soon.

  5. Haha! Yes I will! There's been some discussion on my blog about how some of the NYX's still use formaldehyde - is this one of them?

  6. NIXXY - I brought all of my NYX's I posted about yesterday, and I am going to take pics of all the backs where the ingredients are listed for you :) I will get on your site and see if there is an email address listed for you that I can send them to.
