Wednesday, February 4, 2009


When I posted these up the other day, a few of you expressed an interest in seeing these, so I worked really hard last night and did some swatches. I must say I don't know how the ladies that do whole collection swatches do it. That was quite a bit of work- paint, pictures, remove, paint, pictures, remove, yada yada yada - you get the point. Doing nail art is much more fun!

Why aren't N.Y.C. Foils a big deal? These nail polishes were all outstandingly great! I really could not come up with anything negative to say about them. Of course, there are the visible brush strokes, but I think that goes without saying when using a foil or chrome nail polish. All of these were opaque with ONE coat, they dried really fast and they removed SO easy, better than regular nail polish. It really was like I just had a little piece of foil covering my nails. My two favorites are the blue one, Niagara Foils & the purple one Royal Foil. On to the pictures!


  1. Foiled Rotten looks gorgeus!

  2. Those look so smooth. Lovely!

    Thanks for the swatches :)

  3. This is a very helpful post!
    Funny; you know I was just looking at these polishes on eBay earlier today. I didn't pay much attention to them by then because I had no idea what they were; I'd never heard of this brand.
    I love all of the colors you've swatched, so I'll be sure to hunt them down on eBay and buy them :)

  4. OLGA - I love that name too!

    PIXIE - No problem, what else do I have to do all day at work!!lol

    VANESSA - Cool! I'm so glad I got these swatched and posted then. I just ordered these the other day from I think I paid around $4.00 ea for these and got them in like 2 or 3 days - don't know if that beats your ebay deal or not :) Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment.

  5. Ooh wow - love these! I don't suppose they're formaldehyde free? (Not that we get them in Oz anyway :)

  6. NIXXY - I am pretty sure these are full of that yucky stuff. I think they are pretty old. I will have to check when I get home and look at my bottles.
