Monday, February 2, 2009


Look at all that nail polish waiting to be tried out! I got some work to do! I realize here lately most of my posts have been hauls. SO I am going to be working long and hard on swatching alot of these untried colors and adding some konad stamps to alot of them.

Also, as a side note to those of you who wanted more drugstore brand swatches, after my dollar tree haul, I have several Maybelline & Sally Hansen's to try out, so be looking for those posts in the very near future.

**I learned (Thanks Colette!) how to make all my pictures enlargable, so please click away to see these really huge!


  1. Oh my! you have a lot of homework to do.

  2. OLGA - Homework indeed my friend!

  3. So glad my post, which started mostly just to vent my frustrations, helped you out! I thought, after I posted it, "no one wants to hear you complain, why did you write all that whiny stuff" but then I left it up anyway.

  4. COLETTE - You have no idea how frustrated I was trying to figure out why some of my pictures wouldn't enlarge. That's why on the posts that I said "click to enlarge" in the past, they were all spaced funky because I didn't want to mess it up where they wouldn't be able to be enlarged. I even did a post asking if anyone knew why - you are a life saver :)

  5. KATEE - I'm getting to the bottom of it, slowly but surely
