Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'M A SUPERSTAR! least I'm spending money like I am.....

My Superstar nail polish arrived today. These were on "sale" 5 for $35.00. However, I say "sale" because they charged me $13.95 for shipping from Michigan to Oklahoma. I have helped out the shipping dept. at my job, we use UPS everyday (which is how these came) and I can tell you this cost them no more than $7.00 to ship these to me. So my $7.50 discount I got for taking the 5 for $35.00 deal doesn't seem so good. If there is one thing that really irks me is when companies jack up the freight fees, like we don't know that is what they are doing. I can see a few dollars over, but to double the shipping - that is a bit extreme! I mean come on!
I hope I like these polishes so well that it erases that exorbitant freight they just charged me.
UPDATE: I have sent an email to Super Star about the high shipping fees. Hoping to get a response soon so I can let you all know the deal behind the $14.00 bucks so stay tuned!!!


  1. I know what you mean.
    Some people overcharge for shipping.

    That's why I hate ordering online. =/

  2. RAI - I don't mind ordering online, you can usually get it cheaper, but when I know that I am being gouged that really pisses me off.

  3. U r a SUPERSTAR! I am so jealous! I want the rising star razzberry sooo bad, but yeah I couldn't see spendin a fortune on one I really liked and the others not so much.
    Can't wait for the swatches!

  4. $13.95 for shipping? That is a CRIME!!!! Can't wait to see your swatches though.

  5. NESSA - Thanks! So are you! I LOVE bright pink colors, so these were right up my alley. Can't wait to do swatches, I will be feeling like it is summertime!

    KATEE - I'm tellin you! That is just ripping people, I mean I KNOW how much it costs to ship things and it doesn't cost that much.

  6. I'm so glad I skipped this sale. They have nerve to even call it a sale. Looking forward to some nail swatches.

  7. Oooh peach one on the end looks interesting!

  8. $14!! within the US?! imagine what someone living outside the continental US would have to pay...i can only imagine 'cause i sure as hell NOT BUYING from them.
    Seriously, that's abusive the np is gorgeous but with those prices a lot of people will choose not to buy.

  9. I find good finds online, too.

    But now I make sure to check for
    promo codes before I make an order.
    Free shipping is <3. lol
