Thursday, February 5, 2009


I painted the baby girl's nails last night. Let me tell you, it went way easier than I had expected. I chose my dazzle dry nail polish since that is what dried so quickly for me. Dinky is wearing one coat of High Velocity Red with no top coat. Dinky also would like it to be known that these are her natural nails too, these are not acrylics.

Enjoy the pics ladies! Dinky would love to know what you think of her nails! I think she looks so ladylike and rich and refined with her little red nails!

Oops! I forgot Dinky's "thumb" nail on this hand!

Dinky is due for a nail trim, but I wanted to paint them while they were still long first.


  1. You did such a good job! I'm glad Dinky was good for you!

  2. NESSA - Thanks, and Yes, she was very good! She got a nice little peice of cheese for being so good.

  3. Wow Dinky - you're stylin' now! Pretty puppy nails...

  4. Haha! They're so neat! Maybe you need to start up a side biz doing doggie nails? "Dinkymans" or "Manidinks" or Dinkycures" hehe

  5. JAMIE - She looks so cute, I wanna do it more now!

    NIXXY - Hey great idea! IT could be a shop where ladies bring their dogs and BOTH get their nails done!

    THE ASIAN GIRL - Thanks!

  6. Oh wow! She's all Gwen Stefani with her blond hair and her long nails. No Doubt, she's a girly girl.

  7. Dinky looks beautiful though she should know better than combining red polish with a pink dress!

  8. OLGA - Total girly girl! :)

    KATEE - Thanks!

    PIXIE - Tsk Tsk goes to her mom! I should have changed her dress to match her nails! Shame on me !
