Tuesday, February 3, 2009


For my last "masterpiece" (hehehe) I did a konad-icure. I saved this for last, because I knew that is what I wanted to wear all day today. For the base coat I used Misa - Cherry Topping. Misa, yet another color of yours that I love. This is what I believe is called a "jelly" polish. Such a gorgeous color, and cherry topping is a great name for this. I decided to use for my konad paint, my new Sally Hansen Chrome polish in Black Pearl Chrome. BPC worked great as a konad color. It really looks like liquid silver on my nails. I did have a little bit of harder time getting this centered on my nail, because BPC seemed to dry a little quicker than the konad black paint that I have used previously. Again though, unless you are just really studying my nails, it isn't that noticeable. Once again, I forgot to see what plate I used to create the konad, I will try really hard in the future to make a mental note to remember!

These first pictures were taken last night, right after painting and konading:

(USELESS FACT OF THE DAY: That Christmas tree design in the background was my jammy pants! lol)

And just like cherry topping on top of my bowl of ice cream - this didn't last long!! Cherry Topping has no staying power. These last three shots, I just went outside and snapped 'em before making this post. So this polish only lasted from about 10:30 last night until 1:30 today when I took these pics. Look at all that tip wear. And if you couldn't tell by the amount of posts I have done today, it's not like I have been busily typing here at work. Not to mention that I had two coats of Poshe on these too.

****UPDATE - WIXBETTY, one of my great readers brought it to my attention that this "tip wear" might be shrinkage from my topcoat and not tip wear at all! I painted these right before bed last night, and didn't really pay much mind until I went to take my outside shots today. I think she could be right! Thanks for the information Wixbetty :)


  1. Since the amount of tipwear is consistent over all four fingers, could it be shrinkage from the Poshe instead?

    I know certain polishes pull back from the nail edge with quick dry topcoats unless you wrap the edge of the nail.

    (and/or use a non-quick-dry topcoat over the color and under the quick-dry. I usually do both to prevent this from happening.)

    Love the silver over the red, by the way- have to try it myself! =)

  2. WIXBETTY - You just might be right! Usually I will notice shrinkage, but since I finished this so late last night, I went to bed shortly after and didn't really take much notice until I went to take my outside shots today. Thanks for the info, I am going to add this in an update, I would hate to spread false info about the lovely MISA's! :)

  3. Dang! what a pity about the shrinkage, the red/silver combo looks great.

  4. I love it! I bought some SH chromes on ebay, but they've just been chilling in my closet.

    Gotta dig them out and copy this :D

  5. OLGA - I know, I hate shrinkage- grrr! Thanks, though. I really was pleased with the chrome too.

    PIXIE - Get in that closet of doom and get them suckers out!

  6. Wow! Those really turned out great!

    On polishes that I know are prone to tip pull-back (shrinking), I swipe it over the top of the nail first, then polish the rest. That helps anchor it in place - something you may want to try with that one.

    I love the silver on red...cherries indeed!

  7. JAMIE - Thank you! I will have to try that next time, thanks!

    NIXXY - Me happy :)
