Tuesday, January 6, 2009


****see updated outside pics at bottom of this post****

I came up with the idea for this on Monday. Recently I purchased some scrapbook stickers at Michael's to use on top of my nails, sort of like nail art stickers. But I thought the designs were so cool, it might look neat to paint my nails, put a sticker on, paint my nails another color and then pull off the sticker. So when I got home I decided to do it. It worked out pretty good. I noticed that some of the more intricate designs I had more trouble getting them peeled off my nails in one pull. If you look close you can see a couple of spots where I messed up my polish trying to get the sticker off. In real life though, these nails look pretty hot!

First I painted my nails with China Glaze - QT. I did two coats of that, and let it dry.

Then I used one of the smaller silver stickers and placed it on my dry nail. I tried to leave some of the sticker hanging off of the nail so I would have something for my tweezers to grab when it comes time to take the stickers off. I picked this design of sticker since it could easily be cut down to fit my nail if needed.

Picture shows the sticker on my painted nail

Next, I painted over my entire nail, sticker and all, with China Glaze - Let's Do It in 3-D. I used two coats of this and let it dry somewhat. Then using tweezers I pulled the sticker off. I then used my Poshe top coat and did two good coats over my nails.


I couldn't let all the sunshine today go to waste without taking a pic - look at all that bling!


  1. Your nail art is impressive, as always! I see the short nails did not last long, LOL. Your new ones look great :)

  2. KATEE- I really was giving the short ones a go, but since my sister had her wedding I just could not imagine me going or being in it with short nails. I know its stupid, but I just really couldn't :)

  3. Wow! that's a great idea and i'm giving it a try!

  4. That is just too cool, Brooke! I'll have to try this sometime when I have a lot of time...I'd assume the bottom layer needs to be completely dry before sticking the sticker on. But I love how they turned out! Kudos!

  5. OLGA - You really shold. You could even just use simple shape stickers to like hearts, or candy canes for christmas, anything!

    JAMIE - Yes, the bottom layer does have to be completly dry, that is why I chose a polish for my bottom layer that I know dries really quickly, plus if it is a pretty opaque color you are using you would really only need one layer since most of the bottom layer is covered up.

  6. That is so cool! I will definitely try that soon! I think the CG is good because it's opaque but not too thick. Very nice job.

  7. GLITTER - LOL, I just shortened your name, hope you don't mind. Thank you very much. I know you and your creativity, you could probably take this to another level all together :)

  8. SASHA - Thank You! R U ready for those Sooners tomorrow??

  9. Holy crap, that is amazing. I love the nail art you are doing with this length. So creative.

  10. PIXIE - Thanks! Something about long nails and I just get so creative. There is just so much more you can do with long ones!
